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Unit 1 Other countries,other cultures Period One Welcome to the unit Reading Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.It is perhaps the best-known natural ________(现象 ) in Canada. 2 .The mall ________(包含 ) of eight kilometres of passages,filled with shops,art galleries and even a water park. 3 .Approximately one million people left their homes and travelled westwards to seek their ________(财富 ) in the Gold Rush. 4 .It ________(吸引 ) over 55,000 customers every day. 5 .The students are sitting in a ________(半圆的 ) round the fire , singing and dancing. 6 .Watching DVD is a form of ________( 消遣 ) ,which is popular among young people. 7 .You seem to have some good ideas about the program.Do you have some ________(具体的 ) proposals? 8 .It was so beautiful a place that it took my breath away.So,as a ________(摄影师 ) you would have enjoyed the opportunity to see this place. 答 案 1.phenomenon 2.consists 3.fortune 4.attracts 5.semicircle 6.recreation 7.concrete 8 .photographer Ⅱ.用所给短语的适当形式填空 1 second to;be fond of;for short;in addition to ;seek ones fortune; a handful of;go with ;be shaped like 1.Most young people like the exciting urban life while I ________ the quiet countryside. 2 .As a writer ,I think ,he is ________ none.In other words,he is the best. 3 .The full name of that country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,which is often called the UK ________. 4 .Students also need to take part in many free activities like running and chasing ________ some organized sports. 5 .I want to buy a tie for my husband as a birthday present ,one ________ well ________his new shirt. 6 .Nowadays many young farmers in China are leaving their homes and travelling to big cities to ________. 7 .Owing to the fierce com


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