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2019 年 4 月 Module 5 课时跟踪练 (一) Introduction Reading— Pre- reading Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Situated in Huaxi District, Guiyang, Zhenshan Ethnic Culture Village is a world of stone, where many things like door frames and roads are made of stone. Buyi men and women in their best clothes sing and dance at the village entrance as they greet visitors and invite them to join the villagers in making cake flour with rice. The village was first built during the Ming Dynasty, with a history of more than 400 years. Three sides of the village are surrounded by water. It is built against the mountains according to the local geological conditions. There are about 120 families and three fourths of them are Buyi nationality and one fourth are Miao people. On January 10th every lunar year, the villagers hold traditional dancing activities to celebrate the New Year. Buyi and Miao villagers in their best costumes sing and dance to the melodies from the Lusheng ( 芦笙 ) and the bamboo flutes to celebrate their own traditional festival. Legends said once some robbers captured the Buyi forefather in the village. The villagers failed to rescue him by themselves and asked the local Miao people for help. The Miao people played the Lusheng and sang Miao songs to communicate with him and the robbers couldnt understand them. With the help of the Miao people, the forefather was rescued. Since then, the local Buyi people have formed the custom of singing and dancing to appreciate the help from the Miao. People sing and dance for three days for the festival each year. Besides this, Zhenshan villagers also celebrate the traditional “Siyueba Festival(April” 8th Festival) and the “Qiyueban Festival” (the Ghost Festival). Now, these festivals have become joyous days celebrated by Miao, Buyi, Dong, Zhuang, Shui, Gelao, a


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