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易错基础练(四) 一、七选五 1.(5分)???? Everyone has a burning drive inside of them. ??1?? For others, the drive comes naturally and pushed them to do great things. See what those naturally highly motivated people do differently and what they can teach us. ? They read a lot. ???? When Bill Gates and Warren Buffet were asked if they could have one super power, they answered the same thing: to be able to read faster. ??2?? Reading allows one to take in the knowledge of some of the smartest people who have ever lived. Highly motivated people dont spend much time watching reality TV—they do, however, spend their time reading. ? They plan. ???? Highly motivated people dont leave things up to chance. ??3?? They know this, and they make use of it. Start waking up and planning all the things you have to do for the day. Youll be amazed at how much more productive you are. ? ??4?? ???? Highly motivated people are always working for something. They know what they want, and they search for ways to achieve it. ? They seek advice when needed. ???? There will be points in everyones life where they just cant do it on their own. ??5?? They dont let stubbornness keep them from reaching their goals. Oftentimes, the best resource can be a person you see every day. Help them and theyll help you in return. Yes, its that simple. ?????A.They set goals. ?????B.They practise gratefulness all the time. ?????C.It doesnt matter if theyre big or small. ?????D.Highly motivated people are always learning. ?????E.For some, they need to learn from others to find it. ?????F.Planning allows people to get things done faster and better. ?????G.Highly motivated people are not afraid to go out and look for help. 2.(5分)? ? ?Are you afraid of failure? However, only by overcoming fear of failure can we achieve success in life. Here are some tips on how to remove fear and focus on success: ? ? ?Understand that at times you make mistakes. ??1???Before any of us learned how to walk, we crawled (爬行). We got up, fell down and



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