牛津译林版英语8B Unit3 Period 3同步练习含答案.docVIP

牛津译林版英语8B Unit3 Period 3同步练习含答案.doc

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精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 8B Unit3 Online tours Period3(ReadingⅡ) 一、单词拼写 1.The USA is in the central part of North__________(美洲). 2.HamZet《哈姆雷特》is one of the most famous __________(戏剧)by Shakespeare. 3.For more information,you can visit our___________(网站)any time you like. 4.Many western people are very interested in the history of___________(亚洲). Or.Peter has left the room,but _________(几本)books were on the desk. 6.Sit clown here and listen to the music.It can help you to___________(放松). 7.Do you know where the biggest steel _________(贸易)centre is in Wuxi? 8.Let’s__________(集合)in the meeting room at lunchtime.Mr Wang has something important to tell us. 9.My son was playing on the__________(草坪)in front of my house the whole morning. 10.一When did these visitors arrive at the __________(国际的)hotel? 一In the late afternoon. 二、动词填空 1.Playing computer games_________(take)Tom about three hours every day. 2.一Where is your father? 一He________(drink)too much and is lying in the sofa now. 3.It’s exciting__________(reach)the top of the mountain and enjoy the beautiful view of the whole city. 4.一Hello,Li Ming,_________you_______(get)her telephone number? 一Not yet. 5.He_________(write)a letter to his uncle when he received a call last night. 6.Just__________(click)on the icon and then you can enter the game. 7.The school community_________(help)a lot of people buy tickets to different places recently. 8.一What shall we do if it__________(not rain)tomorrow? 一What about going hiking? 三、单项选择 ( )1._______a smile on her face,our English teacher came into the classroom. A.WithB.Of C.Near D.In ( )2.The boy ________Jim won the first prize.He isso clever! A.calls B.is called C.called D.is calling ( )3.一Where is Simon now? 一Oh,he is on the playground.I saw him ________basketball just now. A.playing B.played C.to play D.plays ( )4.There are too many people standing in the doorway(出入口)so we can’t get__


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