牛津上海版七年级上Unit1 Relatives in Beijing教学设计.docVIP

牛津上海版七年级上Unit1 Relatives in Beijing教学设计.doc

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精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 Unit 1 Relatives in Beijing 1教学目标 Talking about relatives; stating relationship, where they live and ages; making travel arrangements; planning departure dates and length of holidays; writing about travel plans, means of transport and cost; talking about places of interest in Beijing; reading about timetables; writing a personal letter about holiday plans. 2学情分析 很多学生在开口讲英语方面存在畏惧心理,这个主体与学生生活息息相关的,设计得当能帮助学生愿意用英语来交谈。 3重点难点 Using the present perfect tense to relate past events to the present Using adjectives to make comparisons Questions: Where? ???????????? When? ???????????? What are the names of…? ???????????? How? 4教学过程 活动1【导入】pre-task procedure Ask the students questions about relationships: parents and children, teacher and student, doctor and patient. ?Ask about some relatives : Do you have some relatives who live in other cities or other countries?? to elicit: Yes, I have. If you want to invite your relative to visit your family and the city you live, what will you do??? to elicit: I will write a letter to invite him or her. 活动2【讲授】while-task precedure Here is a letter from Uncle Weiming: 7 June ??? Dear Li, ??? It’s a long time since we met last time in Shanghai. Summer vacation is coming. So I’d love to invite you to stay with my family in August. We can watch the Olympic Games together. I miss Ben very much. Since he hasn’t seen his cousins before, I send you a photo. ??? We will enjoy our holiday together. ???? Love ???? Weiming Let the students read the letter together. If you accept uncle’s invitation, you should make a plan of the trip, you must consider the following questions: Where does Uncle Weiming live? ??????? Which place are we going to travel to? When are we going to visit him? How are we going to travel to Beijing? We are going to travel to Beijing ????????? by??? plane ??????????????train ??????????????ship Are plane tickets very expensive???? What is cheaper? Play the cas


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