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I am the fox.I jump highly!‘’给动物安家‘’Welcome to our home!I’d like to introduce my best friends to you.my best friendsRead and feelThe mouse said quietly:The lion laughed loudly:The lion asked sadly:The lion said happily:Wait! Wait! I can help you!Ha! Ha! How can it be?Help! Help!Who can help me?Thanks! Thanks! You’re really helpful!Grammar timeadverbs 副 词 What are the adverbs for?They show the actions more vividly.副词能更生动形象地表现动作。 The mouse said quietly.The lion laughed loudly. The lion askedsadly. The lion said happily.Know moreAdverbsAdjectivesquietlyquiet → loud → sad → excited → worried → fearful → surprised → happy → angry →loudlysadlyexcitedlyworriedlyfearfullysurprisedlyhappilyangrilyImagine and sayHe reads happily.He often laughs happily.Garfield is a happy boy.He … happily.He … happily.He … happily.He … happily.He … happily.James is a sad dog.James … sadly.James … sadly.James … sadly.James … sadly.James … sadly.Party time! Think and Say At a party I am the fox.I jump happily!I am the .I . stories around meThey go to a movie to celebrate. What a funny movie! After the movie, they go home to tell Dad about the great news. Jack wins! What story is he reading? A woman gets hurt Jack has a big game today. Who can help me?His friends all come to cheer for him.about the great game! He And she He Think and Write Tips 形容动作完成的方式要用副词哦!Jack has a big game today. HequicklyHis friends all come to cheer for him.Come on!loudlyJack wins! excitedlyabout the great game!They go to a movie to celebrate. What a funny movie! Ha! Ha!happilyAfter the movie, they go home to tell Dad about the great news. quietly HeWhat story is he reading? A woman gets hurt Who can help me?sadly And shestories about my friendWhat is Su Hai doing ? Tipslast Sunday提示我们这份邮件讲述的是过去的事 Tips我们用went, saw, looked, helped一类词讲述过去的事wentsawlookedwenthelpedaskedsaidtookgavebecamewasSome informationabout the lionTheSpeaking ShadowrisingfallingWhere do I live?Who is my friend?What am I?How did the mouse


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