unit 1 reading and thinking示范课教学课件【人教选必修1】.docxVIP

unit 1 reading and thinking示范课教学课件【人教选必修1】.docx

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Unit 1 People of achievement Reading and thinking Question Can you name some Chinese doctors who used herbs(草药)for treatment in ancient times? Example Hua Tuo was a renowned physician during the Eastern Han Dynasty and Three Kingdoms era of China. The Book of Later Han records Hua Tuo as the first person in China to use anesthesia(麻醉) during surgery. He used a general anesthetic combining wine with an herbal concoction called mafeisan (麻沸散). Example 李时珍1518-1593字东壁,明代薪州(今湖北省菊春鼻)人,明代著名医药学家。历时 二十七年编成《本草纲目》一书,是我国明以前药物学的总结性巨著。身的逆盅名,心比枝石坚;望父全儿 志,至死不拍木。It took him 37 years to finish the book, which is considered tobe a great contribution to the development of Chinese medicine.6iI果淖^有既病M恒鱼 此土患世哭^^其井 案不食也嘛不旅那么痴 棕嗜啮於箭 李时珍 1518-1593 字东壁,明代薪州(今湖北省菊春鼻)人,明代著名医药学家。历时 二十七年编成《本草纲目》一书,是我国明以前药物学的总结性巨著。 身的逆盅名,心比枝石坚;望父全儿 志,至死不拍木。 It took him 37 years to finish the book, which is considered to be a great contribution to the development of Chinese medicine. 6 iI果淖^有 既病M恒鱼 此土患世哭^^其井 案不食也嘛不旅那么痴 棕嗜啮於箭WI Example Can you name a modern scientist who uses artemisinin as a new treatment for malaria? Example Her name is taken from the Book Of Songs (诗经) Tu Youyou won Nobel Prize for the discovery of Artemisinin(青蒿素). 呦呦鹿鸣,食野之蒿。 —《诗经.小雅.鹿鸣》 Example E The discovery of artemisinin and its treatment of malaria is regarded as abreakthrough of tropical medicine in the 20th century. E The discovery of artemisinin and its treatment of malaria is regarded as a breakthrough of tropical medicine in the 20th century. For her work, Tu received the 20XX Lasker Award in clinical medicine and the 20XX Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. 中国女科学家 屠呦呦 获20XX年诺贝尔< 生理学或医学奖 [是中CM*学■饭?rm本 Example Tu Youyou received her 20XX Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in Sweden. 当地时间10月5曰 瑞典卡罗琳医学院在斯德哥尔摩宣布 将20XX年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予/ 大村智 (曰本科学家) 屠呦呦 (中国女药学家) 威廉?坎贝尔 (爱尔兰科学家) 创造了阿维曲素?从根本上 降低了河育症和淋巴丝虫病 的发病率 发现的青篱泰应用 在治疗中,使疟疾 患者的死亡率显著 降低 表彰他们在寄生虫疾病治疗研究方面取得的成就 今年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖奖金共 800万瑞典克朗 (约合9 2万美元) 居呦呦将获得奖金的一半 另外两名科学家将共享奖金的另一半 这是中国科学家因为在


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