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在最古老的太空深处 混沌七神、恶魔奥格都·杰哈德 沉睡在水晶囚牢中 等待机会重新夺回地球,焚毁天堂 什么让一个人成长为一个男人 What is it that makes a man a man? 源于天性,与生俱来? Is it his origins, the way things start? 还是其他什么难以描述的原因? Or is it something else, something harder to describe? 对我来说一切始于一九四四年 For me, it all began in 1944. 苏格兰海域的绝密任务 Classified mission off the coast of Scotland. 纳粹狗急跳墙 The Nazis were desperate. 他们结合科学知识和巫术… Combining science and black magic... …试图扭转战局 ...they intended to upset the balance of the war. 我当时二十八岁,已经是 罗斯福总统的异灵学顾问了 I was 28, already a paranormal advisor to President Roosevelt. 我从没想到过那天晚上发生的事情… I could never have suspected that what would transpire that night... …不仅会改变历史进程… ...would not only affect the course of history... …而且会永远改变我的生活 ...but change my life forever. 好了,伙计们,快上! All right, men, lets go. Move! 快!快!快! Come on! Come on! Come on! 散开 Lets fan it out. 你的人… Your men... …他们会需要的 ...theyll need these. 你是天主教hearts;徒hearts;吗? Are you a Catholic? 是的,但这不是关键 Yes. Among other things. But thats hardly the point. 我看你更需要这个 Well, youre gonna need one of these. 我憎恶暴hearts;力hearts; I abhor the use of violence. 谢谢,我不想让你认为我疯了 惠特曼中士 Thank you. I wouldnt want you to think me mad, Sergeant Whitman. 不,现在说已经太迟了,布鲁姆教授 No, three days too late for that, Professor Broom. 好了,伙计们,快走! All right, you guys, lets move, move, move, move! 快走! Come on boys, lets go! 这边!左,右! This way! Left, right! 快啊,快点开始吧! Come on, men, lets get the lead out! 已经很接近了! Were close! 你在浪费时间 这里除了绵羊和石头,什么都没有 Youre wasting our time. Theres nothing here but sheep and rocks. 是遗迹,不是石头 算了吧! - Ruins, not rocks. - Hold it right here! 是特隆汉修道院的遗迹 建于古迹线的交叉点… The remains of Trondham Abbey, built on an intersection of ley lines... …我们这个世界和其他世界的分界线 ...the boundaries between our world and the others... 狗屁! What a load of crap! 一个星期前 我还没听过“异常学”这个词 Hell, a week ago, I never even heard the word parabnormal. 是“异灵学” Paranormal. 快走! Move it! 排好阵形 Hold the line. 快点! Come on! 哎哟妈呀 Sweet Jesus. 他们准是来捕绵羊的 They must be here for the sheep. 那个戴防毒面具的怪物… The freak in the gas m


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