The Only Living Boy in New York《纽约唯一活着的男孩(2017)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

The Only Living Boy in New York《纽约唯一活着的男孩(2017)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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在20世纪 In the 20th century, 如果你想了解你的邻近城市 if you wanted to know your neighbors, 你就搬到城郊区 you moved to the suburbs. 如果你想成为一个瘾君子 If you wanted to become an addict, 你就搬到纽约 you moved to New York. 现在一切都颠倒了 Now everything is upside down 瘾君子出现在了郊区 The junkies are in the burbs, 隔壁建筑却是一个该死的儿童足球队 and the building next door is a fucking kickball league. 艺术面对商业,商业赢了 It was art against commerce,and commerce won. 孩子们认为只有画廊里面才有艺术品 The kids think the only place to find art is in a gallery 而浪漫唯一存在的地方 and the only place to find romance 是在雨中告白 is confessing your love in the rain, 像电影里面那样 like in the movies. 但是会比那个更难更糟 But its messier than that. 事实上,总有很糟的事 Well, theres always mess. 现在安全多了,但是城市中仍有衰落的景象 Its safe here now,but theres still urban decay. 只是转移到了夜晚派对上了 Its just migrated into the dinner parties 在上西区 of the upper West Side. 最好你没有信念 The best lack all conviction, 出自叶慈的《二度降临》 最坏你还充满激hearts;情hearts; while the worst are filled with passionate intensity. 出自叶慈的《二度降临》 叶慈说过,娄·里德也说过 Yeats said that,but so did Lou Reed, 引述于他在The Bottom Line音乐会场的现场表演 quoting him live at the bottom line. The Bottom Line曾是一个音乐场地,位于纽约曼哈顿格林威治村附近的美世街和格林尼街15号hearts;西第四街之间。 娄·里德去世了,The Bottom Line也关闭了 Lou Reeds gone,and so is the bottom line. 也许是因为soulcycle Its probably a soulcycle-- 一种动感单车训练课程 也许是这城市仅存的一种文化了 the only soul the city has left. 每个人都假装自己感觉很好 Everyones pretending its all okay, 但这是个谎话 but thats a lie. 感觉心里少了一种东西,但我们都能感觉到 Somethings missing,and we all feel it. 包括托马斯·韦伯 Including Thomas webb. 他以为他拥有另一半,她名字叫蜜蜜 He thought he had the answer and her name was Mimi. 1976年这座城市肮脏破碎犯罪率极高 1976. The city was dirty, crime-ridden and broke. 它是世界的中心 It was the center of the creative universe. 纽约失去了它的灵魂 New Yorks lost its soul. 最具活力且相邻的城市是费城 The most vibrant neighborhood at the moment is Philadelphia. 我喜欢 I like that. 是吗? -是的 Yeah? -Yeah. 你从哪里听说的? Whered you lift that from? 不,这是我自己想的 I didnt. Its mine. 好,不错 Well, its good. 那你今晚有空吗? So, will you come with me tonight? 不了,你妈妈的晚餐派对让我很没存在感 No. Your moms last dinner party made


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