The Waterboy《呆呆向前冲(1998)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

The Waterboy《呆呆向前冲(1998)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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他出局了 Cut his ass. 加油!加油! - [Grunting] - Go! Now lets go! [Shouting] 加把劲! - Heads up! - [Grunting] 放倒他!就是那样,就是那样! [Man] Take him down! Thats it, thats it! - 嘿,教练,怎么样? - Lynn Swann - Hey, Coach, how you been? - [Laughing] Lynn Swann. 我很奇怪 Now, why aint I surprised... 在我第一天的训练课上你 为什么在球场里晃来晃去? to see you snoopin around my football field first day of practice? 那是因为你有个很上进的球队 Well, thats because you got a good-lookin football team. 有可能再次夺得全国冠军 Maybe good enough to add another national championship trophy to the old case downstairs. 跟我的一个老朋友说得很像, Lynn Thats kinda like my old man told me one time, Lynn. “唯一比一份龙虾餐更好的就是五份的龙虾餐。” The only thing better than a crawfish dinner is five crawfish dinners. 看,SB来了 Hey, here comes the shithead. 很清 Its clean. 很凉 Its cold. 那就是我所说的高质量的水。哦! Now thats what I call high-quality H2O. Oh! 哦!正中脑袋! Ooh! Right in the head! 球在那儿 Its over there! 在你那本传奇的绿色本子里有什么魔法,Red? any unused magic in that legendary green playbook of yours, Red? 雨天的时候 I may have a couple squirreled away in there... 我也许会把一对松鼠从那里请出来 for a rainy day. [players Yelling] 看我们拿到了什么 See what we got here. 不是什么有建设性的批评 - Not exactly what Id call constructive criticism. - [Whistle Blowing] - 想象下你在淋浴 - 哦! - Smell like you could use a shower, stinky. - Oh! 听着,你可以处理我的个人卫生 Listen, you-you could think what you want a-about my personal hygiene, 但请你不要浪费水 but, please, dont-dont waste any water. 那样不对。如果你需要把你的 快乐建立在我的痛苦之上, That-Thats bad policy. If you need to amuse yourself at my expense, 那就来打我吧 just-just rough me up or something. 说得好 - Fair enough. - [Groaning] - [Laughter] - [Sighing] [Waterboy Mumbling] Laski, 给我过来! Laski, get over here! 来了,教练 - Yes, sir, Coach? - [Sighing] 那个SB在这干吗?哼,哼? What is that moron doin here? Huh, huh? 去年我没清楚地跟你说过把那家伙赶走吗? Didnt I tell you as plain as I could speak to get rid of his ass last year? 说过,先生,可我以为你不是认真的,教练。 话说回来,他活干得不错。 Yes, sir, but I didnt think you were serious, Coach. Besides, he does a great job. 来搞乱我的球队,你傻了? Disrupting my football team, you idiot? 18年已经足够了 Eig


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