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A progress report emphasizes whether: the project is kept on schedule the project is staying within the budget the proper technology or equipment is used the division of labour is concise an unexpected problem or possible glitch is identified the job is completed efficiently, correctly and according to rules A research report presents research on an issue or problem. It’s an in-depth look at a very specific issue. The report should contain an abstract, introduction, methods, results, conclusion and recommendation. It should also cite the study or studies involved. A periodic report is written at fixed intervals, such as weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc. It helps a company or agency keep track of the quantity and quality of the services it provides and the amount and types of work done by employees. Information in periodic reports helps managers make schedule, order materials, assign personnel, budget funds, and determine corporate needs. This report helps a company improve its policies, products or processes via consistent monitoring. An incident report is required when there is: an accident such as fire, traffic, physical injury a law enforcement offense an environmental danger, including a computer virus a machine breakdown a delivery delay Determine the Objective and Format Do the Necessary Research and Collect Data Identify Your Audience Determine an Appropriate Writing Style Use Reader-centered Headings Organize the Report Carefully The first step in writing a report is understanding the problem or assignment clearly. Before you begin writing your report, come up with a statement of purpose. You will determine whether you are writing this report to inform, to analyze, to solve a problem, or to persuade? The answer to this question should be a clear, accurate statement identifying your purpose. Sample Lines Sample Lines Sample Lines Sample Lines Reply to Complaint 李海红 Business English Writing Topics covered The Functions of Customer’s Complaint How to Res



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