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2016 is the Year of the Monkey and Kate goes in search of the extremely rare Snub-Nosed Monkeys of Yunnan. She goes on a poo hunt, looking for monkey faeces to test for their health. Jing experiencesthe spectacular showers of sparks from ancient fireworks made from liquid metal by Mr. Xue, the last practitioner of this dying craft - his only protection is a sheepskin coat and straw hat. Ant finds out how an entire ice city is made from just frozen river water, sculpted to make full-sized buildings that are illuminated beautifully at night. 2016 年是猴年,凯特来到云南寻找稀少的狮鼻猴。她进行了一场“便便搜索之旅” ,寻找到猴子的排 泄物并检验他们是否健康。 Jing 观看了一场由薛先生用液态金属制作的绚烂烟火,这样的做法非常古 老。薛先生是这一即将失传技艺的最后传人,期间他仅有的保护措施就是一件羊皮外套和一顶草帽。 安特则探索了整个冰城是如何从整条冰冻的河建造而来, 在灯光的照射下, 整座冰城在夜间熠熠生辉。 Meanwhile, the Hairy Bikers, Dave and Si, join the largest motorbike flotilla on earth, as thousands of migrant workers in Guangzhou province head for home as New Year approaches. It ’ as workers from the city go back to their home villages, often for the only time in a year. The Bikers join the volunteers helping the motorcyclists as they head carefully back home on bikes loaded high with people and presents. 同时,毛毛骑手戴维和 Si 加入了地球上最大规模的摩托迁徙大队,春节将近之时,成千上万的民工从 广州省骑摩托车回家过节。多么壮观的场面,众多工人从城市骑车回到农村,一年中他们只有在春节 才回家。戴维和 Si 加入了志愿者团队,去帮助这些一心想骑车回家的摩托骑手们,他们的摩托车上坐 着很多人,载满礼物 . 第一集重点笔记整理 1.词汇篇 春节 Chinese New Year=the Spring Festival 中国丰富的文化 the richness of Chinese culture 农历 lunar calendar 聚集到城市 flock to the cities 惨不忍睹的 eye-watering 对…爱发牢骚 enjoy a good old moan about… 管理这么大的车流量 manage this flow of vehicles 保持交通顺畅 keep the traffic flowing 春运期间 during the New Year rush 全家福 have a family portrait 精密的运营 require precision organization 入境旅客,接机家属 arriving passengers and waiting families 与家人团聚



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