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If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time! 教案设计 设计者 湖南省岳阳市平江县瓮江中学 向 娟 通讯地址:湖南省岳阳市平江县瓮江镇瓮江中学 电 话 电子信箱 教案设计 Section A (1a—2c) 一,教学目标 知识与技能 1, Vocabulary: organize have a great time you will = you’ll 2, Target language: —I think I am going to the party with Karen and Ann. —If you do , you’ll have a great time. What will happen if……? 3, To train students’ listening 、speaking and communicative competence. 过程与方法 1, Listening in 2b、2a and 2b. 2, Speaking methods in 1c and 2c. Students work in pairs to make conversations with “ If you do ,you will……” 情感态度与价值观 To be interested in taking part in all kinds of activities in an English class. Encourage students to be able to help when someone needs. 二,教学重、难点 教学重点 1, Master the key vocabulary. 2, Master the key structures: If you do , you will…… What will happen if……? 教学难点 1, Make correct conversations using the target language. 2, Master the Adverbial Clause with if 三,教法与学法导航 教法导航 运用情境创设法,任务型教学法,以训练学生听说能力为主,循序渐进地设计合理的教学任务,让学生在完成任务的的过程中练习使用目标语言,教师通过用贴近学生生活的话题来调动学生的学习积极性。 学法导航 学生通过自主参与、合作交流完成教学任务来达到学习目标,并能够灵活运用。 四,教学准备 教师准备 教学图片、教学实物、录音机 学生准备 1,预习课文1a—2c教学内容 2,记忆新单词,找出重点知识 五,教学过程 StepⅠ: Lead-in (1a-1b) 1, Show a cake to the students and say:“Today is Chinese teacher Mrs Li’s birthday , she will have a birthday party tonight at her home ,Do you want to go ?” (Students answer: Yes, I’d love to.) T: If you go to the party, what will you do? Question1: Who are you going with? Question2: What are you going to wear? Question3: How are you going to the party? Then show pictures to the students and help them answer: Go to the party with sb. Wear jeans ∕skirt to the party Take a bus ∕ride a bike to the party Stay at home and watch TV 2, Teacher ask: If you do these , what will happen? Now open your book, look at the pictures in 1a and match the statements with responses below. Then check the ans



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