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现场管理在企业生产中的应用 摘要:企业的生产现场是企业产生效益的直接场所,也是出现各种问题的源头,现场管理在企业的生产管理中具有非常重要的地位,现场管理水平的高低也直接反映了企业经营状况的好坏。企业要提高利润、提升自身形象以及提高管理水平,必须从现场管理入手。因此,目前有越来越多的企业都意识到了现场管理的重要性,从而使他们将目光重新聚焦于现场。然而还有一些企业经常会面临产能无法满足市场需求;不能准时交货;生产效率低下;库存太高,积压大量资金,使企业运转困难;产品质量很难满足客户要求;生产成本过高;问题重复发生,每日忙于救火;研发能力不够,投产时出现大量问题;供应商无法准时保质保量交货等问题。 为了解决这些问题,我们需要对企业的生产现场进行有效的管理。现场管理改善活动则是现场管理的深化,是通过一系列永不终止的、持续的改善活动,来对生产现场的人员、设备、物料、作业方法、生产环境等各生产要素进行改善,实现各生产要素之间的合理配置,从而减少生产过程中不必要的浪费,降低生产成本,提高生产效率和产品质量,对企业提高自身的竞争力具有十分重要的意义。 5S活动作为现场管理的主要手段,在现实中得到了广泛的应用。正是基于此,本文主要从5S的角度阐述现场管理的作用。 关键字:现场管理,现场改善,5S The Apply of Site Management In The Enterprise Management Abstract: Production site is the direct place of creating business benefits, is also the source of the problems. Site management has a very important position in the enterprise management; site management level will directly reflect the business situation. Corporate profits to improve and enhance their image and to improve the management level, it is necessary to start with on-site management. As a result, there are more and more enterprises are aware of the importance of on-site management, so that they will re-focus attention on the scene. However some other enterprises’ frequently face capacity can not meet market demand; can’t be delivered on time; low production efficiency; too huge inventory, the backlog of a lot of money, so that enterprises operating difficulties; product quality is difficult to meet customer requirements; high production costs; problem repeated, daily engaged in fire fighting; RD is not enough, a lot of problems when put into operation; suppliers can not deliver on time quality and quantity problems. To work out these problems, we need conduct some effective management to enterprise production site. Site improvement is a deepen activity of site management, through a series of never-ending, continuous improvement activities to the production site of the personnel, equipment, materials, work methods, production environment and other factors. Impro


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