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Learning is a lifelong journey. Everything that you learn becomes a part of you and changes you, so learn wisely and learn well! I hope you can be a great English learner! Writing Ability objective : To improve the writing skills by using the right strategies.(用方法之石,开启写作之门) Knowledge objective: To remember key words、phrases and sentences(掌握本单元单词短语句子和连接词) Emotion objective : To love English and love learning. (爱英语,爱学习) words单词 phrases词组 sentences句子 good ending好的结尾 good beginning好的开头 conjunctions连接词 语言材料结构 单词大本营 写前热身step 1 课本、教科书 发音、读音(n.) 发音、读音(v.) 句子 语法 记忆、记住 重复、重做 增加、增长 搭档、同伴 (使)连接、联系 回顾、复习 注意、关注 表示、表达方式 速度 笔记、记录 大声地、出声地 单词大本营 textbook pronunciation pronounce sentence grammar memorize repeat increase partner connect review attention expression speed note aloud 短语集中营 写前热身step 2 向老师求助 ask the teacher for help 记流行歌曲的歌词 加入英语俱乐部 与朋友交谈 看英语杂志 与朋友一起学习 看英语电影 学习语法 制作抽认卡 听录音 看课本 短语集中营 watch English movies work with friends study grammar make flashcards listen to tapes read the textbook read English magazines memorize words of pop songs join English club have conversations with friends 句型训练营 写前热身step 3 How do you learn English? I learn English by read the textbook ing 句型训练营 How do you learn English? I learn English by study grammar ing I learn English by 哈利波特 listen to tapes ing watch English movies ing ask the teacher for help ing I learn English by make flashcards ing work with friends ing read the textbook ing The best way to learn English is make flashcards ing The best way to learn English is listen to tapes ing The best way to learn English is 语法 work with friends ing study grammar ing ask the teacher for help ing listen to tapes ing help a lot s Join English club ing 动名词短语(ing)做主语, 谓语动词用单数


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