【牛津深圳版】九年级英语上册Unit 1 Period 3 课件.pptVIP

【牛津深圳版】九年级英语上册Unit 1 Period 3 课件.ppt

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Period 3 Listening Speak up Module 1 Geniuses Oxford English Unit 1 Wise men in history Pre-listening 1 zX.x.K While-listening 2 Listen to the first part of the radio programme and answer the questions below. A Listen to a radio programme about sports in the ancient Olympics. Match the descriptions with the pictures by writing the numbers 1-4 in the boxes. zX.x.K B Listen to the recording again and then complete the notes below. Write one word in each blank. Helen at the Olympics In ancient Greece, women were not allowed to watch the Olympics. However, Helen, a brave woman, wanted to watch her son, Rodus, run. “I’m going to see you at the Olympics tomorrow,” said Helen. “But Mum, the king will be angry,” said Rodus. “Don’t worry. I’ll think of a way,” replied Helen. The next day, Helen dressed as a soldier to attend the Olympics. She was soon caught. “Take her to prison,” said the king. Speak up 3 Read the story on page 11. Then answer the questions. Who What Why Where Helen at the Olympics Helen dressed as a soldier to attend the Olympics and watch her son run, but she was caught and sent to prison by the king. Helen at the Olympics When in ancient Greece In ancient Greece, women were not allowed to watch the Olympics. B1 Work in pairs. Read the following story and complete the notes below. Then retell the story to your classmate. zX.x.K Retell a story 4 B2 Look for a story in a book or on the Internet. Write notes about the story. Then retell the story to your classmate in your own words. Think about the following ideas. Who What Why Where Archimedes and the golden crown When Who What Why Where The Trojan horse When The story of the red-crowned crane ?The story of 100,000 arrows ? The king and the rice A dog’s story Aliens arrive! H Homework 再选择一则故事,记录故事中的关键信息,准备在下节课上复述给全班同学听。 收集两至三句中国历史上的名人名言,准备在下节课上与同学分享。 完成《综合练习册》第六至七页Listening and speaking A,B,C和第七和八页Listening and speaking D,F的练习。 这里建议再插写故事的图片,最好是这些课文的截图帮助学生回忆文章内容 * *



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