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经典三国故事 This is a story from Three Kingdoms that happened before the Battle of Chibi. One night, Zhou Yu was thinking hard in his tent about how to defeat Cao Caos army, when Huang Gai came in. He suggested attacking with fire. Well, its exactly what I mean to do. Said Zhou Yu. Thats why Im keeping those two spies: to convey false information to Caos camp. But I need a man to play the same game for us. Huang Gai said he was willing to do it. They decided to carry out the trick of being flogged to win the enemys confidence. 赤壁大战之前,周瑜苦思破曹之计。一日深夜,老将黄盖来到帐中,商议破曹以火攻为好。周瑜说:我也这样想,所以才留下假投降的蔡氏兄弟,只是无人去曹营诈降。黄盖自告奋勇,甘愿领此重任。当夜二人定下苦肉计。 The next day Zhou Yu convened召集 a general assembly of his commanders outside his tent. He ordered the commanders to take three monthss rations and prepare to defend their line. Huang Gai came forward and said: We dont need three months. If not, wed better throw down our weapons and sue for peace. 第二天,周瑜传各路将军帐下议事,命大将们各领三个月粮草,准备抗敌。黄盖反对说:不用三个月,如果这个月能破敌就破,不能破敌,早点投降! Zhou Yu exploded in fury. I bear our lords mandate, he cried, to lead our troops to destroy Cao Cao. How dare you weaken our morale? Remove him and execute him! 周瑜听后大怒道:我奉命督军破敌,你敢动摇军心,推出去斩了。 Huang Gai proudly, I have served the Southland through three successive reigns. Where do the likes of you come from? 黄盖骄傲地说:我是东吴三世重臣,南征北伐时,你还不知在哪呢? The entire assembly got on their knees to intercede for请求,说情 Huang Gai. Zhou Yu said at last: In consideration for the commanders views, I shall not kill you. Give him one hundred strokes across the back! 在场的将领们跪下替黄盖求情。周瑜狠狠地说:看在众将面上,饶你不死,打一百军棍! Huang Gai was forced facedown to the ground. Not yet at fifty blows of the rod, his skin was broken and his oozing渗透 flesh was crossed with welts. He fainted several times. 武士们把黄盖推倒在地,没打到五十下,已皮开肉绽,鲜血直流,几次晕死过去。 Zhou Yu let Kan Ze, Huang Gais friend, to deliver the letter of surrender to Cao Cao, which Huang Gai had prepared. Before long, Cao


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