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关于庆祝国庆英语作文 篇一:国庆初中英语作文 Today is our fifty-ninth anniversary of the establishment of the country, put a seven-day holiday, I hope that the arrival of this day. Seven days of the holiday finally arrived, the adults arranged their own long holiday life, and some ready to take the children to travel, and some children go to the countryside to see grandfather, grandmother, and home to help home relatives autumn harvest ... ... but the children It! Some parents have been tightly controlled, and some arrangements for composition, Orsay, dance, English ... ... no moment of rest, every day was full of arrangements, learn your dizziness brain swelling. This year, my grandfather asked me beyond my expectations, and I thought I was going to attend a variety of tutorial classes. However, my grandfather let me free to arrange, do not force. So, every morning I finish all kinds of homework, rest in the evening and in the afternoon. Sometimes watching TV, sometimes playing chess, the most sensible is to visit the calligraphy and painting exhibition, so I know my calligraphy, thousands of years of cultural history, also visited the new city government and cultural square, now the city hall tall towering majestic , Coupled with the cultural square of the musical fountain and the old city compared to the government is simply heaven, the new city government can see the big changes in Fuzhou, big development, also visited the Fuzhou Park, in the park play boating, enjoy the autumn Fragrance of the beautiful season. Yeah! This year s seven - day holiday, I have no strings, free arrangement, both learned from the books without knowledge, but also feel particularly excited and happy. 今天是我们国家成立五十九周年纪念日,放七天长假,我早盼望这一天的到来。 七天长假终于到来,大人们各自安排自己的长假生活,有的准备带着孩子去旅游,有的带着孩子去乡村看望爷爷、奶奶,还有的回家帮助家里的亲人秋收……可是孩子们呢!有的被家长管得严严实实,有的安排作文、奥赛、跳舞、英语……根本没一刻休息,每天安排得满满的,学得你头晕脑胀。今年外公对我的要求出乎我的预料之外,我还以为和他们一样,参加各种补习班。可是,外公让我自由安排,确不强求。因此,我每天上午写完各种作业,晚上及下午休息。有时看电视,有时下棋,最有义意的是参观书画展览,使我知道我国书法,有几千年的文化历史,也参


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