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out city created, a nd care masse s life, focus work , in -de pth inve stigation, m ore out boutique master piece , makes we of rese arch re sults m ore to int o led of deci sion vision, more t o in national some has effect of newspaper S hang published, for a dvance work , and publi city cha ngde play due of rol e. Third, i nformation submitted to be pragmatic. Quick a nd timely. The ancients said: for the time system; stateme nt ba ck for the time being, not hing. T herefore, t he submission of information to do four, that is, f nd the problem faster, e ditorial writi ng, se nd and rea d faster approval a nd feedba ck to impleme nt quickly. To be tr ue and ac curate. True mainly reflect t he full pi cture of events, one i s one, two, this i s the life of the i nformation. Accura cy is primarily qualitative a nd qua ntitative questions, qua ntitative objective of publicQual itative logic. T o be relia ble a nd useful. We subm it information to have access t o de cisi on-making, to g uide and prom ote the w ork and solve practi cal pr obl ems. Mixed cum. On t he negative i nformation a nd emergency i nformation, rapi d esca lation i n stri ct accorda nce with t he proce dures, firm, newspape r, ne wspa pers, never late, fail to report, false claim a nd skimming. Investee 2. supervi sion and i nsi st on, ar ound a nd protecti ng their intere sts to touch the trut h, seek practi cal result s. Adhere to people-orie nted, the most importa nt thing i s to realize, safeguard a nd develop the fundame ntal interests of the overw helming majority of the pe ople. We carry out i nspection, so must go dee p among t he masse s, go de ep int o the realitie s, always pay attention t o the peoples liveli hood, t o grasp the publi c sentime nt, an d earne stly safeguard t he be nefit, addressi ng the masses are most concer ned a bout and reflect ing the strongest issues, efforts to solve t he problem of de cisi ons implemente d and not implemente d. One is to stick to prin


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