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保密协议书 Non-Disclosure and Security Agreement 为加入AA并成为AA员工的一份子,本人郑重承诺: In exchange for being employed by Awot Global Corporation(hereinafter called “Awot.”), its subsidiaries, affiliates, or successors, I agree that: 1. 行为总则: General Conduct 在AA服务期间,我将忠于职守,完全遵守公司各种规章制度,并随时承担相应之责任。 While working for Awot, I will perform my assigned duties and comply with and follow all Awot policies, procedures, guide lines, rules and instruction as amended from time to time. 2. 保密信息: Confidential Information: 无论在AA任职期间还是在离职之后,我将严格保守AA一切产权机密和商业机密。(除非为了公司利益并获得公司授意)。直到这些机密被授权解密或公开成为普通信息为止,或者已超出当地政府所规定商业机密允许解密的最长期限。 At all times, both during and after my employment with Awot , I will not use (except for the benefit of Awot Global at Awot’s direction) and will hold in confidence and not disclose (without Awot ’s written authorization) any proprietary or trade secret information of Awot, until such information becomes generally and rightfully known outside Awot Global without nondisclosure restriction, or for the maximum period of time for maintaining trade secrets as permitted by law in the state/country in which I am employed if such period is shorter. 我还承诺未经授权绝不拷贝上述机密信息,并按公司要求在离职前悉数归还这些信息资料。对于所有事关机密的实用表单,包括电脑资料,程序,操作规范,文件,业务计划,客户资料,财务数据,人事档案以及其他任何机密信息,按照公司下述有关规定决不泄露或传播给当事人以外之人员。 I agree not to make unauthorized copies of such confidential information and to return to Awot immediately upon my termination or upon Awot’s request, all tangible forms of such confidential information, including but not limited to computerized data or programs, specifications, documents, business plan, customers’ information, financial information, personnel information, or any other Awot confidential information. I will, at all times, treat third parties’ confidential information as Awot confidential information defined hereunder, to which I have access during my employment by Awot , according to the terms of any agreement between Awot and the third parties regarding such third party confidential informati


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