Unit3 宾语从句专项讲解 课件 人教版英语九年级.pptVIP

Unit3 宾语从句专项讲解 课件 人教版英语九年级.ppt

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You wonder where you can… I think you can go to… / I know that there is a … Hope you have a great time in Changxing. if/whether there is… where there is a good place to… WeChat * 1. Finish the reply to Ken. 2.Review the objective clauses you’ve learned today by doing some exercises. * He likes English. We know he likes English. 主s 主s 谓v 谓v 宾o 宾o 宾语从句就是由一个句子来构成主句的宾语. 主s 谓v 宾o 简单句 复合句 什么 是宾语从句? 试比较 宾语从句三要素 * 宾语从句三要素: 引 导 词 时 态 语 序 * 1. I can’t tell the teacher likes me or not. 2. We are thinking of we should go fishing. 3. I’m not sure to tell her the news at once. whether whether whether 只能用whether: (1)与 or not连用 (2) 不定式前:whether + to do (3) 介词之后:介词+ whether … * * Christmas Activities Symbols Date To remember the birth of Jesus Christ (耶稣) Origin(由来) Main dish(主菜) if/ whether when what how children can get presents from Father Christmas. Christmas Day is. the symbols of Christmas are. people celebrate Christmas . people often celebrate Christmas. I think/ believe/ know that… why I wonder * I know (that) Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. I wonder if/whether kids can get gifts from Father Christmas. I wonder when the Christmas is. 1.引导词 (1)若是陈述句作宾语,用 引导,有时可以省略。 (2)若是一般疑问句做宾语,用 或 引导,不能省略。 (3)若是特殊疑问句做宾语,用 引导。 宾语从句 Objective clauses 2.语序 只要是宾语从句,都用 语序 。 June is a good time to visit Hong Kong. Bob believes. Bob believes_________________________. 2. Does he work hard?I wonder. →I wonder_________________. 3. Please tell me . 请告诉我他住哪里。 疑问词 if that whether 陈述 if/whether he works hard where he lives → (that) June is a good time to visit Hong Kong (主语+谓语) * Ken Why do people in western countries celebrate Christmas? Who especially enjoys Christmas? Why? How do family members in Ken’s family celebrate Christmas? What


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