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广东省惠州市 2020-2021 学年 2022 届新高三第一次 调研考试英语试题 学校_________ 班级 __________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、阅读选择 1. WHERE TO STAY IN SYDNEY Whether you want to stay in a converted beer factory, a luxury hotel on the harbour or an advanced loft-style room, Sydney has a huge range of top-quality hotels. 1. THE OLD CLARE HOTEL Located in the heart of Sydney ’s Central Park district, The Old Clare Hotel, providing luxurious ( 豪华的 ) rooms and facilities, takes up a historic Chippendale pub and the nearby former beer factory site. This hotel has been lovingly restored by Peng Loh, a Singaporean businessman with a passion for redecorating heritage properties. 2. HILTON SYDNEY This is luxury accommodation right in the centre of Sydney, with world-class restaurants, one of the ci ty ’s best bars. Just upstairs sits Glass, the award-winning small restaurant by celebrity chef Luke Mangan. Downstairs lies The Marble Bar, a Sydney hotspot for decades and heritage listed due to its extensive use of marble, dating back to 1893. Rooms are simply fashionable. 3. THE LANGHAM Grand harborside luxury can be expected at The Langham, located in the Sydney centre. The hotel makes the most of its impressive harbour views with a marble-decorated hall that takes your breath away. Don ’t forget to chec k out the art, with a collection of Australia ’s most famous painter. Try their famous high tea menu, and be sure to check out the incredible underground swimming pool available to guests only. 4. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL SYDNEY Another luxury stay with amazing harbour views, the Four Seasons Hotel Sydney sits on the edge of Sydney ’s historic Rocks district. A Deluxe Harbour Room will give you a breath-taking view, with dark wood and silk inside in calming colours. Downstairs is


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