五年级英语下册Lesson 21 Look at the Photos!冀教版 (5).ppt

五年级英语下册Lesson 21 Look at the Photos!冀教版 (5).ppt

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Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up 五年级下册 Lesson 21 Look at the Photos! Warm-up have eat do go see had ate went saw did Let’s review do went go see saw have had ate eat is/am is/am are was were New words Do you remember? 1 2 3 Read part 1 自读part1一分钟,圈出不会读或不会翻译的 单词或句子 。 一分钟倒计时 50 40 60 30 20 10 听读课文,找出文中 动词的过去式。 play played are were is,am was Happen happened hurt hurt 齐读课文,回答问题。 Where were they? They were on the train to Beijing. What did they do? They played with the baby. It was fine. Where wasDanny? He was at the Palace Museum. What happened? He hurt his tail. He was sad. Where were they? They were on the Great Wall. What happened? They were very happy. Show time 假设你是Danny 或 Jenny,练习介绍这三张照片给你的同桌。 (注意was/were 的使用)。 Read part 2 更清楚什么时候 用am/is,are或 was, were。 He is eight years old this year. He was seven years old last year. is this year was last year Let’s sing. Let’s sing. Let’s sing. Let’s sing. Let’s sing. Let’s sing. Let’s sing. Let’s sing. Let’s sing. Let’s sing. Let’s sing. Lead-in Lead-in Lead-in Lead-in Lead-in Lead-in Lead-in Lead-in Lead-in Lead-in Lead-in Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up Consolidation Consolidation Consolidation Consolidation Consolidation Consolidation Consolidation Consolidation Consolidation Consolidation Consolidation Let’s chant. Let’s chant. Let’s chant. Let’s chant. Let’s chant. Let’s chant. Let’s chant. Let’s chant. Let’s chant. Let’s chant. Let’s chant. Homework Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary 冀教版(三起点) Homework Summary Consolidation Let’s chant. Let’s sing. Lead-in Warm-up 冀教版(三起点) 冀教版(三起点) 冀教版(三起点) 冀教版(三起点) 冀教版(三起点) 冀教版(三起点) 冀教版(三起点) 冀教版(三起点) 冀教版(三起点) 冀教版(三起点) 冀教版(三起点) Homework Homework Homework Homework Homework Homework Homework Homework Homework Homew


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