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七年级《欢乐寒假》寒假作业英语答案 篇一:市一中七年级英语寒假作业(一) 市一中七年级英语寒假作业答案 (一) 一、单项选择。 1-5 BCACD6-10 DBDCD11-15 BDCAD 二、单词拼写。 16. closed 17. expensive 18. through 19. lying 20. fit 21. Finally 22. sheep23. Children’s 24. Shopping 25. countries 三、动词填空。 26. doesn’t go 27. is28. matches 29. to raise 30. organizing 31. look32. celebrating33. listening34. is playing35. will fly 四、翻译。 36. My cousin was born in Beijing, but he lives in Suzhou now. 37. What do you think of your new school? / How do you like your new school? 38. Look! The children are playing a game called ‘trick or treat’. 39. Is there a discount on last year’s trainers / sports shoes? 40. --- What’s your shirt made of? --- Cotton. / It’s made of cotton. 五、书面表达。 Now, more and more students’ bodies are getting worse. There are many reasons. Firstly, most students don’t eat healthily. They eat too much meat, and often eat sweet food, snacks and fast food. Secondly, they don’t have a healthy lifestyle. They don’t often take exercise, but watch TV or play computer games for a long time. Finally, most students like to wear modern clothes. Some clothes are too tight. They are not good for health. I think we should eat fruit, vegetables and rice often. We should drink enough water every day. We should exercise more. We should keep doing morning exercises and eye exercises. We should often wear loose and comfortable clothes. A good diet and a healthy lifestyle can make us live longer. 市一中七年级英语寒假作业答案(二) 一、1-5 CBDCC 6-10. BBDBD11-15. CADBA 22. Reading 23.first 24.mine 25. Both 26.Thank you for telling me about China. 27.Kitty is eating lunch at the moment . 28. Is there any beef in the fridge? 29. What do you have for supper? 30. Daniel chooses trainers because they are comfortable. 四、句子翻译。 31. Amys favourite subject is Maths. 32.Its important for a dancer to keep healthy. 33.We are all looking forward to the Chinese New Year. 34.Does Toms father walk for half an hour after supper every day? 35.


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