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专业. 专业.专注 word word完美格式 Tha nk God It s Mon day By Jyoti thottam As researchers in psychology, economics and orga ni zati onal behavior have bee n gradually discoveri ng, the experie nee of being happy at work looks very similar across professions.从事心理学、经济学和组织行为学研究的人已逐渐发现,各行各业 的人们在工作中感受到快乐的体验看起来十分相似 。 People who love their jobs feel challe nged by their work but i n con trol of it. 热爱本职工作的人会感到他们的工作有挑战性,但自己能驾驭它; They have bosses who make them feel appreciated and co-workers they like. 他们既得到老板的赏识,又有和自己投缘的同事; They can find mea ning in whatever they do. 无论干什么他们都能发现其中的意义 。 And they aren t just lucky们可不是仅仅凭着运气好。 It takes real effort to reach that sublime state. 要达到那种完美的境界需要切实下工夫才行 。 An eve n bigger obstacle, though, may be our low expectati ons on the job. Love, family,不过,一个更大的障碍也许是我们对工作的期望值太低 。 com mun ity — those are supposed to be the true sources of happ in ess, while work simply gives us the means to enjoy them. 爱、家庭和社区往往被看做快乐的真正来源,而工作只是为我们提供了享受那 一切的手段。 Mihaly Csiksze ntmihalyi, who coined the term flow, which adhere nts of positive psychology would use to describe the job-induced highs, says that distinction is a false one. 米哈里?奇凯岑特米哈伊认为这种区分是错误的。他发明了强感受” (flow)这 个说法,信奉正面心理学的人常用此词来描述由工作而引发的兴奋状态 。 he writes in his“ Anything can be enjoyable if the elements of flow are present, he writes in his Good Busin ess . 在称心如意的工作》一书中他写道:“只要存在强感受因素,任何事情都能给我 们带来愉悦。 “ With in that framework, doing a seem in gly bori ng job can be a source of greater fulfillme nt tha n one ever thought possible. ” 根据这一观点,从事一份表面看上去枯燥的工作却会给人们带来想象不到的更 大的成就感。” Csiksze ntmihalyi en courages us to reach a state in which work is an exte nsion of what we n aturally want to do. 奇凯岑特米哈伊鼓励我们达到这样一种境界一一在此境界中,工作是我们本就 想做的事情的一种延伸。 Immersed in the pleasure of work, we don t worry about its ultimate reward. 沉浸在工作的快乐中,我们就不会为最终的报酬去操心。 If that sounds out of reach, take heart. 即便听起来很难达到这种境界,我们也要树立信心。 You may soon get some en courageme nt from the head office. 也许你很快会从上司那儿得到某种鼓励。 A grow ing body of research is dem on st


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