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体育运动词汇 vocabulary about sports 球类运动ball games 汉语 En glish 汉语 En glish 篮球 basketball; 乒乓球 table tenni s;p in g-pa ng 足球 soccer;football 排球 volleyball 羽毛球 shuttle 网球 tennis 曲棍球 hockey 棒球 baseball 冰球 ice hockey 链球 hammer throw 咼尔夫球 golf 水球 water polo 橄榄球 rugby 垒球 softball 板球 cricket 保龄球 bowli ng 田径运动 track and field 田赛 field eve nts 竞走 walki ng; walki ng race 铁饼 discus throw 铅球 shot put 接力 relay race; relay 撑杆跳咼 pole jump; pole-vault 举重 weight-lifti ng 三级跳远 hop, step and jump; triple jump 中长跑 middle-dista nee race 短跑 sprint ; dash 400米栏 the 400 metre hurdles 越野跑 cross-co untry race 跳远 long jump ; broad jump 标枪 javelin 跳咼 high jump 十项 decathl on 赛跑 race 马拉松 marath on 跨栏比赛 hurdles; hurdle race 7K上运动 water/ aquatic sports 游泳 swimmi ng 蛙泳 breaststroke 蹊泳 fin swimming 蝶泳 butterfly (stroke) 冲浪 surfi ng 滑水 water-skii ng 跳水 divi ng 跳板跳水 spri ngboard diving 跳台跳水 platform divi ng 自由泳 freestyle; crawl 侧泳 sidestroke 滑艇/皮艇 canoei ng 赛艇运动 rowi ng 赛龙船 drago n-boat raci ng 水球(运动) water polo 爬泳 crawl 帆船运动 sai ling 仰泳 backstroke 划船 rowi ng 水橇 water skii ng 冰上运动ice sports 速度滑冰 speed skat ing 短跑道速度滑冰 short track speed skati ng) 高山滑雪 alpi ne skii ng 自由式滑雪 freestyle skii ng) 越野滑雪 cross-co untry skii ng 北欧两项 Nordic comb ined 跳台滑雪 ski jumpi ng 现代冬季两项 biathlo n 雪撬 luger 雪车 bobsled 花样滑冰 figure skat ing 冰壶 curl ing 冰球 ice hockey 滑板滑雪 sno wboard ing 障碍滑雪 slalom 速降滑雪 dow nhill race 跳高滑雪 ski jump 滑冰 ice skat ing 滑雪 skii ng 体操 gymnastics 自由体操 floor/free exercises 艺术体操 artistic gymn astics 鞍马 pommel horse 吊坏 rings 跳马 vault ing horse 双杠 parallel bar 单杠 horiz on tai bar 高低杠 un eve n bars 平衡木 bala nee beam 绳操 rope exercise 圈操 hoop exercise 球操 ball exercise 棒操 club exercise 带操 ribb on exercise 哑铃操 dumbbell exercise 高杠 high bar 武术 Martial Arts 击剑 fenci ng 射刖 archery 拳术 bareha nded exercise; Chin ese box ing 散打 free combat 摔跤 wrestli ng 柔道 judo 太极拳 hexagram box ing 跆拳道 taekw ondo 自由式摔跤 free style wrestli ng 站立摔 sta nding wrestli ng 其他运动other sports 拔河 tug-of-war 国际象棋 (intern ati on al) chess 登山运动 mountai


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