浙江省温州市啸秋中学高一英语必修2课件:unit 1 cultural relics Using language2(人教版).pptVIP

浙江省温州市啸秋中学高一英语必修2课件:unit 1 cultural relics Using language2(人教版).ppt

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When in a court, a judge will hear different people say different things. He must decide which to believe and which not to believe. How can he decide? What is a fact? What is an opinion? Can you give a definition(定义) to them? (using attributive clause) A fact is anything ____________________ An opinion is something ___________________________ _________________. Different people may have different opinions about the same things. A fact is a kind of information _____________________________. After the Amber Room was lost, many people say what they know about it. Now let’s read a man’s story about what happened to the Amber Room. rather than 连接两个主语时, 谓语动词的单复数应该与 rather than之前的一个保持一致. She rather than you is right . rather than常用于以下结构中: 宁愿… 而不愿 would do A rather than do B would rather do A than do B prefer to do... rather than do ... * Unit 1 Cultural relics Using Language Reading Listening speaking court(法院) in a trial 在审判中 judge A fact or an opinion? that can be used as evidence in a trial that can be proved. that someone believes is true but has not been proved Time Place Job What he believes What he saw What he heard Name Jan Hasek a miner Czech Republic 1945; now something exploded at midnight 1.He saw some German soldiers putting boxes in the mine . 2.The entrance to the mine was closed. The Amber Room and some gold are buried in the mine. 1.take apart :拆开 take a watch apart tell sth apart : 区分, 分别… apart from =except / besides 除了…之外(还) Eg : 1)Let’s take the radio apart and see what’s wrong with it. 2)I can’t tell the twins apart . I can’t __ Jane and Sue__. They look so alike. A. tell, from B. tell, between C. tell, apart D take, apart 3)Apart from LiMing,there is no one in the classroom. C C 2.rather than 而不是,连接两个并列成分 *


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