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? ? ? ? ? 阿瑟·杨格-详解 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 本条目包含过多不是中文的内容,欢迎协助翻译。 若已有相当内容译为中文,可迳自去除本模板。 阿瑟·杨格(Arthur Young) 阿瑟·杨格(Arthur Young) 目录 1 阿瑟·扬简介 2 Birth and early life 3 Early career 4 Travel in France 5 Modern assessments 阿瑟·扬简介   阿瑟·杨格(Arthur Young,1741-1820)他的姓一般译作“杨格”。英国农业经济学家,货币数量论的拥护者。1741年9月11日生于英国伦敦。1820年4月20日卒于伦敦。   1763 年起从事农业经营。1967年起考察英国、法国等地的农村,根据当地的农业状况写出了一系列的游记,如《爱尔兰游记》(1780)、《法兰西旅游》(1792)等。1784年创办《农业年刊》,并为主要撰稿人。1793年任英国政府农业局的首任局长,直到逝世。他是英国农业革命的先驱,对农业的研究涉及许多方面:他提倡条播、马拉犁;认为英国萨福克郡的轮种制是合理的,利用种植块根作物可减少土地休闲;认为生产手段的合理配合是农业经营中重要的原则,由此提出大经营胜于小经营的理论。他对农业革命理论的宣传和解释,对其他国家农业革命的兴起起了促进作用。 Birth and early life   Arthur was the second son of the Rev. Arthur Young, rector of Bradfield, Suffolk, who was chaplain to Speaker Arthur Onslow. After attending school at Lavenham, Arthur Young was in 1758 placed in a mercantile house at Kings Lynn, but had no interest in commerce.   At the age of seventeen, he published a pamphlet On the War in North America, and in 1761 went to London and started a periodical, entitled The Universal Museum, which was dropped on the advice of Samuel Johnson.   He also wrote four novels, and Reflections on the Present State of Affairs at Home and Abroad in 1759. After his fathers death in the same year, his mother placed him in charge of the family estate at Bradfield Hall; but the property was small and encumbered with debt. From 1763 to 1766 he devoted himself to farming on this property. In 1765 he married a Miss Allen; but the marriage was not happy, though he was a family man. Early career   In 1767 he took over a farm in Essex, where he engaged in various experiments, describing the results in A Course of Experimental Agriculture (1770). Though Youngs experiments were, in general, unsuccessful, he thus acquired a solid knowledge of agriculture.   He had already begun a series of journeys through England and Wales, and gave an account of his observations in books which appeared from 1768 to 1770—A Six Weeks Tour through the Souther


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