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? ? ? ? ? 埃德·惠塔克里-详解 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 本条目包含过多不是中文的内容,欢迎协助翻译。 若已有相当内容译为中文,可迳自去除本模板。 埃德·惠塔克里(Edward Whitacre)——美国通用汽车公司董事长兼临时CEO 目录 1 惠塔克里简介 2 Life and career 惠塔克里简介   埃德·惠塔克里(Edward Whitacre)1941年11月4日出生。惠塔克里在ATT工作了44年,在电信行业里是一个不折不扣的大腕。惠塔克里最大的成就莫过于2006年以860亿美元收购BellSouth Corp 。   惠塔克里身边的人评价他:“如果他信赖你,他会提供一切的支持。但是如果哪天你把他惹毛了,他会对你毫不留情。”   韩德胜刚上任的时候,惠塔克里对身边的人表示韩德胜是那时候最合适不过的人选。而如今,他却以“韩德胜推进重组计划过程中与董事会产生意见分歧”为由解雇了韩德胜。   在通用员工的而言里,惠塔克里是一个和善的领导。他都会主动地跟各级管理人员及员工打招呼。他还很善于倾听员工工作中的烦恼。 惠塔克里2009年6月取代肯特克瑞萨(Kent Kresa)成为通用的新董事长。美国当地时间12月1号,塔克里对外宣布,接受韩德胜的辞职,并表示在找到合适的人选之前,自己将临时担任通用CEO一职。   Edward E. Ed Whitacre, Jr. (born November 4, 1941) is a former chairman of the board and chief executive officer of ATT Inc. He served as national president of the Boy Scouts of America from 1998-2000. Life and career   Whitacre was born in Ennis, Texas. He began his career with Southwestern Bell in 1963 as a facility engineer. He is a member of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity and graduated from Texas Tech University with a bachelors degree in Industrial Engineering.   In October 1988, Whitacre was made president and chief operating officer of Regional Bell Operating Company, Southwestern Bell Corporation. Two years later, Whitacre became chairman of the board and chief executive officer. In 1995, Southwestern Bell Corporation changed its name to SBC Communications. Whitacre led SBC through a series of mergers and acquisitions in building the largest provider of both local long distance telephone services and wireless service (through its Cingular division) in the United States. These acquisitions included Pacific Telesis (1997), SNET (1998), Comcast Cellular (1999), Ameritech (1999) and ATT (2005), from which the post-merger company took its name, as well as the 2006 acquisition of Bell South.   On June 23, 2006, he and the CEO of BellSouth were brought in under the Senate Antitrust Subcommittee following the ATT-BellSouth merger. Most questions to Whitacre were regarding possible cust


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