2022年冀教版《Lesson26 Keep the Candle Burning》课件 (1).pptVIP

2022年冀教版《Lesson26 Keep the Candle Burning》课件 (1).ppt

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Lesson 26: Keep the Candle Burning!;use up 的用法;New Words;◆Do you think science is interesting? Why or why not? ◆ Name one or two famous Chinese scientists. What do you know about them?;Language Points;as 作连词,意为“当……时候〞,引导时间状语从句。如:;use up 意为“用完;用光〞。use up 是动词加副词型短语,宾语是代词时必须放在use和up的中间;宾语是名词时,放在use和up的中间或 up的后面均可。如:;〔1〕 分数的表达方式: 分子为基数词,分母为序数词。并且当分子大于1时,分母要用复数。如:;〔2〕 带有分数的名词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数,要根据分数所修饰的名词来确定。如果分数所修饰的是可数名词复数,谓语动词用复数形式;如果分数所修饰的是不可数名词,谓语动词用单数形式。如:;Exercises;1. The water here is s______, not deep. 2. Let the fire b______ for a few hours. The room will be very warm. 3. Look! The boy is playing with some ________ (火柴). 4. There is little ______ (氧气) at the top of the mountains. 5. Mr. Black sat down and ________ (点燃) a candle.;1. Please pass me the bottle full ______ water. 2. He is so hungry that he has eaten ______ all the food on the plate. 3. I usually put the candle ______ the candleholder. 4. Mr. Gao came into the classroom ______ a book in his hand. 5. The rainy day will last ______ three days. ;1. 当蜡烛停止燃烧时,它已用光了空气中所有的氧气。 When the candle _______ ________, it ____ ______ ______ all the oxygen in the air. 2. 我们班里五分之三是女生。 __________ of the students in our class are girls. 4. 为了完成那项工作,他工作了十个小时。 ____ _____ the work, he has worked ____ ten hours.;Homework;单元语法归纳;一般疑问句式为:Was/Were+主语+动词的现在分词+其他?如: Were they playing basketball at that time? 那时他们正在打篮球吗? 特殊疑问句式为:特殊疑问词+was/were+主语+动词的现在分词+其他?如: What were they doing at that time? 他们那时正在干什么? 3.与过去进行时连用的时间状语:this morning,at that time, at this time yesterday,the whole morning, all day yesterday, from nine to ten last evening, when, while等。;(二)情态动词must 1.表示“必须〞,此时可用于肯定句或疑问句,用于否认句时,mustn’t的意 思是“一定不要〞“不能〞,而不表示“不必〞。如: Must we finish the work tonight? 我们必须今晚完成这项工作吗? must主要表示现在或将来,但在间接引语中也可表过去(=had to)。如: She asked her boss if she must (had to) work overtime. 她请示老板她是否要加班。 对于must开头的一般疑问句,假设作否认答复,可以用needn’t,不用 mustn’t。如: “Must I clean all the rooms?〞 “No, you needn’t.〞 “这些房 间我都


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