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ocusing on way s and means of improving and upgra ding w ork, further devel opment of three to split. (A) fully grasp no una uthori sed create d. T he tow nship no unauthorise d created t he existing buildi ng one house hol d, one document survey and file storage w ork must be unconditi onal nd full coverage. M ain corridor lea ding to t he tow n (road, river) village, t he Central built-up area of the tow n on both si des m ust be t o create a no unaut horised village. According to five hundred village s created a nd sha nty towns, villages, ol d house s, reconstructi on of old plant, ex pand create, upgradi ng creates file s, the re al no una uthori sed v illage created i nto the be nefit of the people of very good thi ng. (B) to stri ctly manage count as una uthorised controls. Prom oting the new control w ork to move t he ce nter of gravity, manageme nt measure s to the front, a nd ear nestly pipes effectively. A stri ct new una uthorise d netw ork responsibility. Se ctors such as l and, housi ng and ba sic stati ons (stations) and t he Tow nshi p of grid a ccountability me cha nisms must be stri ctly in a ccordance wit h the new regulat ory requirements, effective implementation of the area of responsibility of the new inspe ctions, suppression, dem olition work to e nsure that the new zer o tolerance. Se cond, publi c security, w ater, ele ctricit y, water, oce ans a nd fisheries, touri sm coll aborati on, market supervi sion de partments should strictly enfor ce the illegal constr ucti on of disposal of relevant pr ovisi ons of the regulati ons, effective fulfilment of responsi bilities, particularly in e lectri city and water suppl y, and other units may not be new il legal buildi ngs to supply water a nd el ectricity supply. While more reg ulation to pr event per sonal priva cy violati ons. Illicit tradi ng in illegal constr ucti on i n the Mi nistry of publi c se curity sector t o strictly from the blow. T hree is t o create a dditional offence repo


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