2022年冀教版《Lesson36 Making Plays Is Fun》课件 (1).pptVIP

2022年冀教版《Lesson36 Making Plays Is Fun》课件 (1).ppt

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Lesson 36: Making Plays Is Fun;1) It can take hundreds of people to make a movie or put on a play. 2) We seldom think about the people who work behind the scenes. 3) Without their hard work, we would never get to know so many great stories and stars. 4) My group wrote a play called The Fisherman and the Goldfish. ; focus actress impossible talent own experience;★Who’s your favourite actor or actress? ★Can you name some people who work behind the scenes on the movies and plays?;Language Points;作不及物动词,意为“关注〞,带宾语时与介词on连用,然后再加名词或代词???;They focused that problem all the time. 他们总是注意着那个问题。;句中的介词短语without their hard work表示条件,意为“没有……〞,可用条件状语从句替换,在这里它可以替换为:If there isn’t their hard work。;句中的called是动词call的过去分词,加上后面的名词构成短语,用在名词play之后作定语,意为“被叫做……〞,与named和with the name 同义。;Exercises;1. Emily enjoys __________ and she practices __________ every day. to sing, to sing B. singing, singing C. to sing, sings D. singing, to sing 2. I saw Krista __________ a picture under the tree when I walked in the park. to draw B. has drawn C. drawing D. draws;3. The Greens __________ Canada for five years. A. has left B. has been away from C. have left D. have been away from 4. This dance is ___________ excellent. Do you think so? too many B. too much C. many too D. much too;1. She is always _______ (focus) on the film stars. 2. They did the work __________ (wonder) on time. 3. Wang Hong is _______ (talent) at writing stories. 4. The _________ (fisherman) are fishing at the sea. 5. She lives in a small town _______ (call) Red Leaf. ;Homework;单元语法归纳;一般疑问句式为:Was/Were+主语+动词的现在分词+其他?如: Were they playing basketball at that time? 那时他们正在打篮球吗? 特殊疑问句式为:特殊疑问词+was/were+主语+动词的现在分词+其他?如: What were they doing at that time? 他们那时正在干什么? 3.与过去进行时连用的时间状语:this morning,at that time, at this time yesterday,the whole morning, all day yesterday, from nine to ten last



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