2022年冀教版《Lesson42 North America》课件 (2).pptVIP

2022年冀教版《Lesson42 North America》课件 (2).ppt

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Lesson 42: North America;Learning aims: 1. Will/ Would/ Could you please…? 2. Learn about the rhythm of the foreign songs. 3. Know more about the world’s geography. Learning important points: 1. Travel around the world. 2. How to look up words in a dictionary. 3. The way we travel around the world.;Do you want to travel around the world? If you travel to the east from China, where will you get? Let’s travel around the world!;North America;New Words;Let’s Do It !;Language Points;1. Canada is the biggest of the three countries in area. in area 意为“在面积方面〞,介词in表示“在……方面〞。类似的用法有:in size 意为“在大小方面〞;in shape 意为“在形状方面〞 E.g. Our town is five square kilometres in area. 我们城镇在面积上是五平方千米。;其次,area 意为“面积;地域〞,常用the area of 表示“……的面积〞,in the area of …意为“在……领域〞。 E.g. What’s the area of your house? 你的房子面积是多大?;2. …the third most common language is Chinese. “the +序数词+最高级+单数名词+范围〞,表示“……是……的第几……〞,注意形容词最高级前加基数词和序数词时意义不同。如: the two largest islands of China 意为“中国最大的两个岛屿〞;the second largest island of China 意为“中国的第二大岛屿〞。;Exercises;根据句意及所给汉语提示,完成单词。 We will fly to the west _________ (海岸) of Africa. 2. The good basketball player comes from _________ (俄罗斯).;II. 根据句意用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式完成句子。 a lot, start, sure, look up, travel 1. He needs _________ the word in the dictionary. 2. —Are you going with us? —_________. 3. My sister likes singing English songs ______. 4. Have you ever _________ to Japan? 5. At last the bus _________.;III. 补全对话。;W: Hello, Mr. Liu. L: Hello, Wang Yifei. (1)_________ W: Im looking at the map of the world. L: The map of the world? What are you looking for? W: (2)_________ L: I see. Have you found it? W: Yes, I have. Look! Here it is. (3)_________ L: Let me see. The continent covers over 44 million square kilometres. W: Its so big. (4)_________ L: Yes, it is. There are more than 40 countries in Asia. And China is the biggest country in area and population. W: Really? Thats great!I think the population of Asia is large. L: Yes. (5)____


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