PEP人教版小学英语四年级下册《Unit 3 Weather C Story time》课件.ppt

PEP人教版小学英语四年级下册《Unit 3 Weather C Story time》课件.ppt

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End. (故事结尾。) Hi,Zoom.You look terrible. * Lucy, you look terrible. Tom , you look terrible. * What’s wrong with Zoom?(Zoom 怎么了?) End. (故事结尾。) * They all have a cold. (他们都感冒了。) What happened? (发生了什么?) 1. 5. * Why does Zoom have a cold? (为什么Zoom 感冒了?) Guess.(猜一猜。) * Read and discuss in groups. (读,小组讨论。) Why does Zoom have a cold? (为什么Zoom 感冒了?) * Oh, it’s raining !(下雨了!) Didn’t he listen to the weather report? (难道没听天气预报吗?) * Oh, it’ll be warm tomorrow in Dalian. Tomorrow will be warm in Dali. Is it really warm in Dalian tomorrow? (大连真的暖和吗?) * BeiJing DaLian DaLi * Dali Dalian * How careless zoom is! (粗心的Zoom!) * We have to be serious. (我们做事要认真。) What do you want to say? (你想对Zoom说点什么?) * * Bless you!(上帝保佑!) 西方文化中,人们通常在打喷嚏后说“Bless you”或“God bless you”,就像中国人在小孩打喷嚏后说“百岁”一样,都表达了人们的一种美好愿望,希望赶走疾病身体健康,长命百岁。 * Number the pictures.(标序号。) ( ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. * 1.Pronunciation. (语音) 2.Fluency. (流利) 3. Feelings. (角色感) Listen and imitate.(听音模仿。) * Listen and imitate.(听音模仿。) Hello! I have a cold. Zip, are you OK? * Listen and imitate.(听音模仿。) It’s cold here. It’s sunny and warm. What’s the weather like in Beijing? I’ll go to Dalian to see you. * Listen and imitate.(听音模仿。) Tomorrow will be warm in Dali. Oh, it’ll be warm tomorrow in Dalian. * 1 * * * PEP 小学英语四年级下册 Unit3 C Story time * * Having a trip. 去旅行 Farmers work. 农民耕作 Airplanes take off. 飞机起飞 Weather is very important for us. (天气对我们来说很重要。) * We should keep an eye on the weather. 我们应该养成关注天气的好习惯。 * * Story time. * 1.Zoom lives in(居住)_______. It’s______(天气). Watch and choose. (听音选择。) A. Beijing ; sunny and warm B. Dalian; cold A B 2.Zip lives in(居住)_______. It’s_______(天气). ( ) ( ) * BeiJing DaLian * I have a cold. Beginning.(故事开始。) have a cold 感冒 Hello! Zip,are you ok? * I have a cold. * Act together.(一起表演。) * I’ll go to Dalian to see you. How does Zoom feel?(Zoom的心情怎样?) * I’ll=I will * I’ll go to Dalian


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