
泵站设计计算书 .docx

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摘 要 博斯腾泵站位于孔雀河上游,具有排水、灌溉、发电、保护水质四方面的效益。该泵站设计流量为 25 m3/s,泵站主体建筑物按级建筑设计,有 4 台型号为1600ZLQ8.5-7.5 的立式轴流泵,相应的配套电机为 TL800-24/2150TH。 考虑到博斯腾泵站地处偏远,在设计进水流道时选择钟型进水流道,以便于施工、节省造价。进水池的设计采取延长进水流道的方式,这样不仅可以安置检修闸门和拦污栅,还可以使闸门与拦污栅的间距增大,获得更好的流态效果。考虑到交通要求,在出水侧设计了一座 4 米宽的 10 级公路桥,在进水侧隔墩上建造一工作桥,用于人行和起吊闸门及拦污栅。 泵房横剖面图以 1:50 的比例绘制于 1 号图上,将泵房平面图两张以 1:50 的比例绘制于 1 号图纸上,泵站枢纽图则以 1:100 的比例绘于 1 号图纸上。 Abstract Bosten pump station is located in the upper reaches of the Peacock River. It offers the benefit of drain, irrigation , power generation and protection of water quality. The rate of flow designed for the pump station is 40m3/s. The main building of the pump station is designed by theⅡ level standard for architecture , which has 7 vertical axial Pump (model:1600ZLQ8.5-7.5) corresponding the supporting electric motors TL800-24/2150TH. Given that peripheral location of the Bosten pump station , the inlet passage for water entry is designed like the shape of the bell, in order to facilitate the construction as well as to reduce the cost. The design of the suction sump adopts the way of extending the inlet passage of water entry. By doing that, not only can the overhaul sluice gate and the trash rack be arranged, but also can enlarge the space between them to make the water flow better. In consideration of the transportation , a 4-meter broad and 10-grade highway bridges has been designed beside the water exist. Also, a service bridge has been build beside the water entry for pedestrian as well as hoisting the sluice gate and trash rack. On the picture 1, the transverse section picture of the pump house will be drawn in the proportion of 1:50, and two pictures of its plane figure in the proportion of 1:50, and key water control in the proportion of 1:100. 第一章 泵站兴建缘由及概况 第一节 建站缘由 博斯腾湖位于我国新疆巴音郭楞蒙自治州境内。其上游为开都 河、下游为孔雀河。故博湖既是开都河水系和焉耆盆地地面径流的归宿地,又是孔雀河的发源地。多年来孔雀河水道狭窄,芦苇丛生,博湖水出流不畅,沿岸湖宽水浅,湖面蒸发损失很大(年蒸发量约 10 亿立方米),因而造成孔雀河灌区农业用水不足,整个焉耆盆地地下水位升高,土壤盐渍化严重。因此,巴音郭楞蒙古自治州粮食产量一直较低。每年均由国家调进粮食。由于孔雀河枯水季节流量小,故不能满足下游两个水电站发电的


展翅高飞2020 + 关注


