
《The hero in my heart 写作课》教学设计教学目标.docVIP

《The hero in my heart 写作课》教学设计教学目标.doc

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The hero in my heart 写作课教学设计 课题名称:The hero in my heart 写作课 教师姓名:魏婷婷 学校:北戴河区第二中学 年级:八年级 教学指导思想与理论依据 本教学设计力图以《初中英语课程标准》为依据,以“教师主导、学生主体”为指导,以信息技术融入学科教学为手段,以课堂为依托来实现教学目标。 教学内容分析 本堂微课为写作课,以新冠病毒疫情为背景,通过介绍此次疫情中的英雄人物来展开教学。以钟南山院士为主线,通过三部分来讲解如何描述自己心目中的英雄,分别是人物简介、主要事迹以及对英雄人物的评价。让孩子们在学习关于人物描写作文的同时,了解钟南山院士的主要事迹及精神,激励孩子们更新他们的追星名单,厚植家国情怀,向英雄致敬。 学生情况分析 在知识层面上,学生能够对人物进行简单的描写,如介绍其年龄、出生地、职业等等以及能够对人物的性格品质进行简单的评价。但对于如何系统的描述一个人还不够清楚,对于叙述人物事迹的相关表达还有所欠缺。 教学目标 At the end of the class, the students will be able to: master some words and phrases about character description; master the basic outline of describing a person; show their respect to the heroes. 教学重、难点及突破措施 教学重点: The outline of describing a person; The words and phrases about character description. 突破措施: 先讲述总体框架,再具体分析每一部分该如何去写,逐级突破。 教学难点: How to motivate the students to show their respect to the heroes. 突破措施: 播放疫情中逆行者们以及习近平给共和国勋章获得者颁发奖章的视频,激发学生们的共鸣。 教学过程 教学环节 及时间 Step 1. Lead in (1min) Introduce the writing background (COVID-19). Show students a video about the people who was awarded the Medal of the Republic (the heroes in fighting against COVID-19). Step 2. Presentation (6mins) Show students the requirements of the article. Analyze the requirements of the article from three aspects: title; person and key points. Analyze the three parts one by one. Part 1: Who is the hero in your heart? Let students think how to bring out the theme of the article first; Show students what aspects should be included in the brief introduction to the person. Part 2: What did he/she do? Let students brainstorm the person’s main deeds; Show students how to describe the deeds in time order. Part 3: What do you think of him/her? Show students some adjectives those can be used to describe a person; Show students how to give some reasons to support their opinions. Step 3 Mind-map (1min) Show students the mind-map of the article and give them some explanation. Step 4 Production (2mins) Show students a video about the heroes in figh


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