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2019届湖北省枣阳市中考适应性考试英语试卷【含答 案及解析】 姓名 班级 分数 题号 -二二 三 四 五 六 总分 得分 、单项填空 — TOm, my COmPUter doesn t work. must be SOmethi ng wrong With the CPU. There B. That C. It D. ThiS — Joli n , how IOng have you bee n a teacher as a pop star? the end of last mon th , after Jolin S En glish Diary Book Came out. A. SinCe B. In C. By D. At — OUr mother river has bee n polluted heavily. —We must do everythi ng We Can WaSte Water from running into rivers. A. keep B. kept C. to keep D. keepi ng — Could you tell me Whe n Mr. Li in Xia n yang ? —Sure. When he , I ll call you. A. arrives ; Will arrive B. Will arrive ; arrives C. arrives ; arrives D. Will arrive ; Will arrive — The population of the world in the 21 th century became much than that in the 20 th . — Yeah , and over eighteen percent of population in the world Chinese. bigger ; is B. larger ; are C. greater ; is D. more ; are — Do you know if Jack will drive to New York this weekend? — Jack? Never! He driving so far. has hated B. will hate C. hated D. hates — Don t when your parents ask you to do something. You should know what they say is good for you. — Thank you for your advice. I ll follow it. talk back B. give up C. hurry up D. call back s fivekilos— Bob has changed a lot! —That s five kilos since he gave up smoking. put up B. put off C. put on D. put down — When accident happened , you must . —Yes , because losing our temper isn t going to help. A. cheer you up B. let you down C. keep your cool D. feel down — Is the girl popular at school? — Yes. Not only her classmates but also her English teacher her. A. like B. likes C. dislike D. dislikes The plane took off. A passenger needed a cup of water The plane took off. A passenger needed a cup of water — What were you and the old man talking about? — He asked . what I have been. why was I staying there whether I could help him how can he get through the building 12. — How soon ___ all the Work ? —In a Week. A. Will …fin ish _ B. is … go



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