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环境微生物学 Environmental Microbiology郑州大学生物工程系 席 宇第九章 有害藻类水华与微生物主 要 内 容1.水体富营养化与有害藻类水华 2.有害藻类水华的防治3.微生物防治有害藻类水华的研究进展一、水体富营养化与有害藻类水华 1.有害藻类水华的概念水体富营养化(eutrophication)是大量的氮、磷等营养物质进入水体,引起蓝细菌、微小藻类几其他浮游生物恶性增殖,最终导致水质急剧下降的一种污染现象。水体富营养化已成为当今世界上水体普遍存在的环境难题。有害藻类水华 (harmful algal bloom,HAB) 的爆发则是富营养化引起的生物污染现象。 有害藻类水华可分为水华(water blooms)和赤潮(red tides)水华和赤潮是指在适宜的化学物理等条件下,水体中的藻类短时间内大量繁殖并聚集的生态异常现象,这一现象若发生于淡水通常称作水华,在海洋则被称为赤潮.太湖美,美在太湖水。然而在无锡鼋头渚景区,藻类密生,厚如油漆,发臭的湖水令人掩鼻,游客在这里拍完纪念照便急忙“逃离” 。在湖畔的小渔港,渔船也被绿藻包围着,渔民们的生产、生活环境受到富营养化湖水的威胁 。左:在滇池蓝藻水华收集区里,自动吸藻器在吸取厚达5厘米的微囊藻水华。右:“滇池蓝藻水华污染控制技术研究”基地的重力斜筛自动脱水设备在对滇池蓝藻水华进行脱水处理。脱水后形成的藻浆经去毒处理,成为上好的有机肥料或饲料。“滇池蓝藻水华污染控制技术研究”课题的负责人、?我国著名藻类专家、中科院水生生物研究所研究员刘永定在滇池采集蓝藻水华样品。Microcystis blooms can appear patchy as in the photo on the left, or thick like a carpet as in the picture on the right.A dense accumulation close to a shore by the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa in Lake M?laren. Note the variations in the colours, which depends on cyanobacteria of different ages. Photo: Kerstin Bohm, County Administrative Board of Stockholm*.Water bloom outbreak in Lake Biwa Diatom bloom. Found in both fresh and saline water. These blooms may colour the water brown.A dense bloom of the dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans at a beach in the Limfjord, Denmark. Photo: Helene Munk S?rensen, County Board of ?rhus, Denmark Microcystis aeruginosa bloom in Crawley Bay, Swan-Canning Estuary, WA. Photo courtesy of West Australian Newspapers and used with permission of the Waters and Rivers Commission of Western Australia.Eutrophication and Algae BloomsEutrophication is an increase of phytoplankton biomass and takes place when nutrients, especially nitrogen and phosphorous, are discharged into surface waters. This is natural but men made eutrophication enhances this process with massive consequences. It alters species composition and leads to a loss of biodiversity due to a loss of oligotophic systems. Men made eutrophication leads to an overgrow of algaes, a so called alga