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电控机械式自动变速器操纵系统设计 Graduation Design(Thesis) of Chongqing University Control system design of Automated Mechanical Transmission 摘要 自动变速器具有消除驾驶员换挡技术差异, 减轻驾驶员疲劳, 易操作和提高行 车安全性等特点。电控机械式自动变速器(AMT是一种经济型的自动变速器,其 是在原有机械变速器基本结构不变的情况下,通过加装微机控制的自动操纵系统, 取代原来由驾驶员人工完成的离合器分离与接合、选换挡以及发动机的转速同步 调节和控制油量等操作,最终实现换挡过程的操纵自动化。它既保持了手动机械 式变速器的优点,又具备自动变速器自动换挡的功能。 电控机械式自动变速器操纵系统根据控制规律自动操纵离合器的分离与接合 以及选换挡过程,同时对喷油量进行同步调节来满足行驶过程的最佳动力性或最 佳燃油经济性要求。其可以实现行驶过程中自动变速并满足人们的乘坐舒适性要 求并延长车辆的使用寿命。 本文针对EQ109C车型5挡手动机械式变速器进行改进,完成了电控机械式自 动变速器操纵系统的离合器、油量调节与选换挡操纵机构的机械设计,并对其自 动控制过程中的关键技术——离合器最佳接合规律、动态三参数换挡控制规律、 油量调节自适应控制进行了分析。基于其发动机特性与整车参数,根据控制规律 建立了控制模型并进行计算机模拟分析计算。 关键词: 离合器控制,动态三参数换挡控制规律,离合器操纵机构,选换挡操纵 机构, Simulink 仿真 ABSTRACT Automatic Transmission has the characteristics of eliminating the differences of the drivers'shift skill, reducing drivers'fatigue, operating easily and improving traffic safety. Automated Mechanical Transmission (AMT) is an economically automatic transmission, which keeps the same basic structure of the originally mechanical transmission and replaces the separation and joint process of the clutch, shifting, engine speed synchronization regulation and the amount of oil supply control operations by the driver manual operation and finally realize the automation control of shift process through adding the automatic control system under the control of microcomputer. It not only keeps the advantages of manual mechanical transmission, but also has the function of automatic shifting of automatic transmission. Control system of Automated Mechanical Transmission controls the clutch's separation and joint and shifting process according to the control rule, while synchronously adjusting the fuel injection quantity to meet the optimal power and the best fuel economy requirements of the running process. It can realize the automatic gear shifting in the running process and meet the people 'requirements of comfort and prolong the service life of vehicles. This thesis improves the 5 manual mechanical transmissi


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