21版英语《复习方略》外研版:必修2 Module 4.ppt

21版英语《复习方略》外研版:必修2 Module 4.ppt

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4. expression n. 词语; 措辞; 表情; 表达; 表示 【文化金句】 These couplets and short poems written in traditional Chinese characters, are expressions of good wishes for the family in the coming year. 这些用繁体字写的对联和短诗表达了对家庭在新的一年里的美好祝愿。 【语块必记】 (1)beyond expression  无法表达; 形容不出 without expression 毫无表情地 (2)express  vt. 表达 express oneself 表达自己的思想 【语境速测】 单句语法填空 ①What surprised us was that the Chinese boy could express _______ (he) freely in English. ②To be acknowledged as the first to receive this honor is _______ expression in words for me. ③句式升级 I expressed my thanks to her and then felt relaxed. (用现在分词作状语改写) →________________my thanks to her, I felt relaxed. ? himself beyond Having expressed Step 1 以高考为导向·印证教材基础 Step 2 以核心为根本·探究课堂重点 Step 3 以检测为载体·提升语基能力 Step 4 以话题为主线·锤炼素养技能 核心素养测评 Module 4 Fine Arts—Western, Chinese and Pop Arts 高中全程复习方略 内容索引 核心素养测评 Step 1 以高考为导向·印证教材基础 Step 2 以核心为根本·探究课堂重点 Step 3 以检测为载体·提升语基能力 Step 4 以话题为主线·锤炼素养技能 1. observe vt. 观察; 注意到; 遵守(法律、习俗等); 庆祝(节日等); 评论 【文化金句】 Also known as Tomb-Sweeping Day, the Qingming Festival is usually observed around April 5 and is a time for honoring deceased family relatives. 清明节, 也就是人们熟知的扫墓日, 通常在4月5日左右, 人们常在这一天祭祀亡故的亲人。 【语块必记】 (1)observe sb. do sth.   观察某人做某事(全过程) observe sb. doing sth. 注意到某人正在做某事 observe sb. /sth. done 观察到某人/物被…… (2)observe that. . . 说/评论…… (3)observation n. 观察; 评论 【语境速测】 写出黑体部分的含义 ① Have you observed anything strange in her words? ( ) ②Everyone should observe the law. ( ) ③Could you tell me how you usually observe Thanksgiving Day in your country? ( ) 完成句子 ④ When we attend the parade to ___________________, we must __________________________. If we __________________a red light, we should stop him. ? 当我们参加游行庆祝国庆节时必须遵守交通规则。如果我们看到有人闯 红灯, 我们应该阻止他。 注意到 遵守 庆祝 observe National Day observe the traffic regulations observe someone run 2. stand v. (stood, stood)忍受; 站立; 坐落 n. 看台; 摊子; 立场 【写作金句】 I don’t see how you can stand doing such a boring job all the time!



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