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看图填空要谨记, 观察图画仔仔细, 词汇语法牢牢记, 下笔填词先三思, 戒掉粗心和大意, 短文高分包满意。 快乐提升 Mr. Zhang is a retired worker. He retired last year at the age of sixty. Since he needn’t go to work, he grows a lot of 1 on the terrace(阳台), and most of his time taking care of them. One winter 3 , after he got up at 7:00, he felt very 4 even with his warmest coat on. He 5 at the thermometer(温度计), 6 was 10 ℃ below zero. “Oh, my God. My flowers!” Mr. Zhang said to 7 . “I still feel cold with thick clothes on. The flowers must feel cold,8 . They would be frozen to death. What should I do? Should I give them warm clothes? Oh, no, --flowers don’t wear clothes.” Mr. Zhang thought and thought, finally he 9 up with an idea. He went back into the room and got some hot water, and then he poured the water onto the flowers. “Now, you will be warm enough.” Mr. Zhang said to the flowers. After an hour, to his10 , the flowers were all dead! flowers 2----- spends morning cold came looked it himself too surprise 【5A文】名校中考专题短文填空解题技巧 短文填空是 2012 年广东中考出现的一个新题型,其特点是在一篇短文中留出 10 个空(首句不设空),要求考生根据短文的内容以及上下文的意思,在空白处填入意思、语法都正确的单词,一空只能填一个词(有些空的答案可能不是唯一的)。短文的题材很广泛,可以是故事、文化习俗、科普小品、体育等,所选的文章一般都是考生比较熟悉的材料。 爱心营养套餐: 新课程标准要求初中毕业生要掌握1500-1600个单词,200-300个词组和短语。 名词的单复数、动词的时态及语态。 一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在进行时、现在完成时、过去进行时、过去完成时、过去将来时。 动词的主动语态及被动语态。 课前热身 It was . Mrs. Smith went to do some with her husband. Saturday shopping seven bike When he got home, he open his bag. He wanted to get the keys. They were always there. But he couldn’t find the keys this time… A moment later he jumped into the room and was very happy. But when he put his hand into his pocket. He found his______ right there. keys homework Once a Frenchman was travelling in England. He knew very English. little angry Because Sui is one o


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