《admit 用法》教学设计教学目标.docVIP

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The teaching plan for micro class ---the usage of admit 秦皇岛市 抚宁一中 周亚娟 Teaching Aim: to let the students learn the usages of admit. 2.to enable the students to use admit correctly and properly. Teaching important and difficult points: to get the students to master the usages of admit 2.to enable the students to learn how to use admit correctly. Teaching procedures: Step one: Lead in Present the original sentence including admit in text book. I have to admit that it definitely feels good to be back in the city again. Pay more attention to the different forms of the word 过去式 admitted 过去分词 admitted 现在分词 admitting 第三人称单数 admits 设计意图:通过让学生欣赏文章原句,引出本节课的主题“admit”。更好地在英语语境中理解词汇含义。 Step two: The usage of admit I’m a translator(reading and translating) Ask the students to study the following sentences and try to summarize the usage of admit. I should have the courage to admit our mistakes. He admits that it was affected by haze. He admitted to me that he was wrong. She apologized to me and admitted taking my umbrella by mistake. = She apologized to me and admitted having taken my umbrella by mistake. Only ticket-holders will be admitted into the stadium. He has been admitted to/into the famous university. 设计意图:通过让学生欣赏例句,自己总结admit的用法,掌握学习主动性,自主学习,加深理解。 I’m a collector(to master more phrases) Admission Free 免费入场 admit of 容许 apply for admission to/into 申请进入 make an admission that 承认 Step three: Further study I’m a designer 设计意图:利用本节课所学知识点,灵活掌握词义、词性。从出题者角度出发,设计句子,加深理解。 Make a sentence using these key words admit vt 承认 admit vt准许进入 admit vt 可容纳 admission n 入场费 The two boys admitted that they had been admitted into the theaters with no admission, which could admit 1,000 people. 这两个男孩承认他们被允许不用付入场费就进入了这家可容纳1000人的剧院。 Practise 1. 一句多译 他承认打破了玻璃。 (1)He admitted breaking the glass.    (2)He admitted having broken the glass. 2.(2019课标全国II) Gordon says the HUNCH program has an impact on college admi


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