《At The Sport Shop》教学设计教学目标.docVIP

《At The Sport Shop》教学设计教学目标.doc

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Lesson 2 At the Sports Shop 河北省石家庄市鹿泉区大河镇杜童小学 封荷菊 教学目标 1、学生能够听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:or; 2、学生能够认读、理解并运用下列问句: Do you like this… or that… ? Do you want these… or those… ? 教学准备 课件 单词卡片 磁带 教学过程 一、开始上课 1、问候 2、诵唱This That chant以复习指示代词。 3、课文导入 师:P lease look at this picture.(课件出示5页第二部分第一小题的插图) Are there many people in the park? 生:Yes. 师:Let us play a game .Please listen to me carefully. I will give you about 5 seconds to remember the colour of the flowers and the colour of the people’s clothes. Ready? 生:Yes. 师:Five , four , three , two , one .( 课件出示第一组要填写的题)Who wants to try ? 生1:This women is wearing a yellow dress. That woman is wearing a red dress. 师:Good! 师:How about this man and that man ? 生2:This man is wearing a blue shirt . That man is wearing a white shirt . 师:Great !( 奖励一颗星) And what colour are the flowers ? 生3:These flowers are yellow . That flowers are red . 师:Good! ( 奖励一颗星) And what are the people doing ? 师:These people are talking . Those people are playing . 师:And they are very happly. Today I am very happly too. Because my sports shop begins. This is my sports shop”Flowers Sports Shop”. It is big and nice ! Welcome to my shop. Let us have a look! 师:Yes.I have a lot of clothes. They are …(PPT展示) (生读:T-shirts , coats, trouses, shorts, shoes, socks, caps) 师:I also have sports equipment . Look ! They are…(PPT展示) (生读:basketball, football, ping-pong balls, volleyball, baseball ) 4、新授 (1)开业酬宾情景展示商品,用…or… 句型提出建议。 师:My shop is beginning, So many things on sale.(出示降价图片) What do you want to buy ? 预设一 师:Li Mingxuan ,what do you want to buy ? 生1:I want to buy a jacket. 师:I have many jackets. Do you want this jacket or that jacket ?(PPT出示) 生1:I want this one. 师:Why? 生1:Because I like blue. 预设二 师:Duan Huijuan, what do you want to buy ? 生2:I want to buy a dress. 师:I have many beautiful dress. Do you want this dress or that dress ?(PPT出示) 生2:I want this one. 师:Why? 生1:Because I like purple. 预设三 师:Zhang Zihan, what do you want to buy ? 生3:I want to buy runners to play


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