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Page * E.g. It is better to live rich than to die rich. With IBM we have the power to manage the power. Tommy went to law school and passed the bar, and I went off to town and bought a bar. A man sits down at a table in a restaurant and asks, “Do you serve crabs here?” The waiter says, “Sure, sit down, we serve anybody.” Crab:螃蟹, 类似(lèi sì)螃蟹的动物;脾气乖戾的人, 吹毛求疵 第三十页,共38页。 English Rhetoric By Song Pingfeng Chapter Seven Phonetic Figures of Speech 第一页,共38页。 Page * 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Alliteration(押头韵) 7.3 Assonance(押元音韵) 7.4 Consonance(押辅音韵) 7.5 Onomatopoeia(拟声) 7.6 Aposiopesi(话语(huàyǔ)中断法) 7.7 Apostrophe(呼语) 7.8 Pun(双关) Contents of This Chapter 第二页,共38页。 Page * 7.1 Introduction (1) All languages have sound. Orators in ancient times knew how to use the sounds of their language for maximum rhetorical effect, and classical rhetoric had a number of sound devices based on the “echoing” or the rhyming of sounds. Modern English has inherited some of these devices. These devices are also called phonetic figures of speech. (2) A good knowledge of some English phonetic figures of speech is helpful not only to students of EFL as writers, but also as readers of English articles. (3) The basic features of English sounds: English sounds are classified phonetically into vowels and consonants, and the pronunciation of words is done by combinations of vowels and consonants. The vowels and consonants not only have phonetic qualities, but also have some sensory qualities, which suggest certain impressions. 第三页,共38页。 Page * For example: The short, lax, spread vowel /i/ is supposed to convey bright, light, fleet, happy impression, as in: Spring, the sweet Spring, is the year’s pleasant king; Then blooms each thing, then maids dance in a ring, Cold doth not sting, the pretty birds do sing. (T. Nash: “Spring”) 2) The sounds /ɑ:/ and /o/ are considered more pleasant to the ears, as for example in “doll”, “holiday”, “lark(嬉戏(xīxì), 玩乐)”, “dance”, “hearty”,


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