2020-2021学年高二上英语Unit 4 Making the news同步练六原卷.docVIP

2020-2021学年高二上英语Unit 4 Making the news同步练六原卷.doc

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PAGE PAGE 1 \o "Unit 3 A taste of English humour" \o "Unit 4 Making the news" Unit 4 Making the news训练六 课后练习 一 二 三 四 选择填空 完形填空 语法填空 改错 选择填空(单词复习+语法提升) 1.(2014?鄞州区三模)﹣I failed again.I wish I ____ harder. ﹣﹣﹣But you ____.(  ) A.had worked; hadn't B.worked; don't C.worked; didn't D.had worked; didn't 2.(2014?浙江)﹣﹣﹣I am going to Spain fort a holiday soon. ﹣﹣﹣______.(  ) A.It's my pleasure B.Never mind C.Leave it alone D.Good for you 3.(2014?天津)________ the morning train,he would not have been late for the meeting.(  ) A.Did he catch B.Should be catch C.Has he caught D.Had he caught 4.(2014?重庆)﹣﹣Why not stay here a little longer? ﹣﹣____.but I really have to go.(  ) A.Never mind B.I'd love to C.Pleased to meet you D.I can't find any reason 5.(2013秋?湖北期中)It was a long time before the Americans completely _________ from the shadow of the September 11th attack launched by the terrorists.(  ) A.healed B.improved C.cured D.treated 6.(2013秋?东湖区期中)My father earns around 500 yuan per month,which can hardly ___ the basic needs of our family.(  ) A.approve B.cover C.present D.arrange 7.(2013秋?辽宁期中)I finally got the job I dreamed about.Hardly in all my life ______ so happy.(  ) A.I felt B.did I feel C.I had felt D.had I felt 8.(2013秋?临沂期中)In order to ________ a good command of German,she quitted her job and went to study in a German school.(  ) A.require B.inquire C.acquire D.request 9.(2012秋?天津期末)_________ my grandfather grew older,he lost interest in everything except fishing.(  ) A.While B.When C.As D.Since 10.(2012秋?重庆期末)People are living in _________ world where mouse clicks rule our life,so online searches have become _______ must.(  ) A.the;/ B./; a C.a; a D.a; the 二.完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B. C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ??? When Deirdre Taylor was preparing to leave her Virginia home to fight Covid-19 in New York, she made sure to 1 ?a possession that she kept for over thirty 2 : a frontnewspaper article. ??? This article 3


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