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Unit6 Outdoor fun;Words and expressions;;;running; Without outdoor activities; climbing ;C. ;jogging;riding;;;camping;Favourite activity;S1: I like...best. / My favourite activity is... because I like / love / enjoy... What about you ? S2: ...;A: Which outdoor activity do you like better, … or...? B: I like …because… A: I think so. But I like …best. B: Why? A: Because… B: Oh, …is too … A: Well, I don’t think so .;; Is the bag heavy ?; ;hurry up = be quick _________ (赶快), or we will be late. 2. be tired I ________ (累的) when I dance. 同义短语: get tired feel tired;我爸爸下班后总是觉得累。 My father ___ always _____ after work. My father always _________ after work. My father always _________ after work.;3. carry sth. for sb. 请为我搬这个大箱子。 Please _____ the big box ____ me. 4. too heavy = that heavy 这个包不是那么重。 The bag isn’t ____ heavy. = The bag isn’t ____ heavy.;5. complain 向某人抱怨 complain to sb. 他经常跟我抱怨。 He often ____________ me. 对什么不满 complain about sth.;他对这家餐厅的食物不满。 He _______________ the food in the restaurant. 向某人抱怨某事 complain to sb. about sth. 他向我抱怨这家餐厅的食物。 He ___________ me _____ the food in the restaurant.;6. go +v-ing 进行一项户外的娱乐活动 ;7. outdoor activity 你喜欢什么户外运动? What ______________ do you like? 8. try 尝试 尝试做某事 try to do sth. 让我们尝试做一个模型飞机。 Let’s ______ make a model plane. 试一试 have a try;9. What do you like about…? 你喜欢……哪一点/什么?相当于 Why What do you like about camping? = Why do you like camping? 你喜欢周杰伦什么? What _______________ Jay Chou? = Why ___________ Jay Chou?;being outside; I’m tired. = I get tired. = I feel tired.;Watching TV is an i______ activity.;Which one is different ?;the opposite(反义词) of the word ‘slow’;But if you always c too much, it will also be .;Translation;;;;;Thank you!


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