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硕士学位论文 师范类五年一贯制高等职业教育中开展数学研究性学习的探索与实践 摘要 研究性学习作为培养学生创新精神和实践能力的重要载体已成为我国基础教 育课程改革的一个亮点。师范类五年一贯制担负着培养从事基础教育工作的大专生 的重要使命。长期以来,师范教育存在脱离中小学教学实际、滞后于中小学教育改 革的向题。左师范学校开展研究性学习,是对中小学开设研究性学习课程的回应, 可以使师范生将来能够在中小学校开设研究性学习课程,更重要的是使他们接受现 代教育理念,确立现代教学观与现代课程观,以促进基础教育的不断改革。 本文从研究背景入手,介绍了研究性学习的历史发展和当代各国研究性学习的 发展状况;结合师范类五年一贯制学生数学学习现状,分析了在师范类五年一贯制 开展数学研究性学习的必要性;其次对师范类五年一贯制数学研究性学习理论和开 展数学研究性性学习的目标定位进行了探讨;最后从课题选择和活动组织两方面对 在五年一贯制开展数学研究性学习活动进行了实践探索0 关键词:师范类五年一贯制; 数学; 研究性学习 Abstract Inquiring learning, plays an important role in developing students creative consciousness and practical abilities. How to implement it has become one of the emphases in the national elementary education curriculum reform. The five-year system in teachers institutes takes the important mission of preparing teachers for elementary education. For a long time, the education in teachers has been out of contact with the teaching practice in elementary schools and has been lagged behind the educational reform. In respond to inquiring learning in elementary school where the teacher trainees will go, we also need to carry out inquiring learning to them. We hope they will do the same thing in elementary schools in future. Whats more important is that we hope they can nurture modem educational visions and gain the sense of modem teaching and curricula, and furthermore to enforce the elementary education reform. The literature review section gives a brief of the history of inquiring learning and the development status in various countries. Based on an analysis of the mathematics learning status in teachers institutes, we explore the theory of inquiring learning in five-year system teacher training program and its practical objectives. Finally we discuss some problems regarding the possible projects that the students can choose and the organization of inquiring learning practice. Key Words: five-year system normal institute; mathematics; inquiring learning 目录 摘要 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z \o Current Document \h Abstract i \o Cu






