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GRE奖学金申请范文 GRE奖学金申请范文 智 课 网 G R E 备 考 资 料 GRE奖学金申请范文 如何写好GRE奖学金申请?GRE奖学金申请文章在申请奖学金过程中所起的作用远超过托福和GRE。要保证您的读书计划和推荐信独树一帜,获得奖学金评审委员会的刮目相看,下面,一起来看看智课小编整理的GRE奖学金申请范例: Growing up in a modest village in China,I hardly ever hadthe chance to see many examples of modern technology;peoplewho dig wells by hand to obtain drinking water and use ox-driven plows to cultivate their fields don’t have much use fortelevisions and personal computers。 But when my father gaveme an old radio to play with,I wanted nothing more than totake apart the contraption and see what inside made suchinteresting sounds。Sitting on the floor with a confused grin,surrounded by wires and metal, I looked up at my fatherand asked where the noises were...(有删节) 合理地阐述了申请者学习电子工程的动机,学习动机是评审委员非常看中的。同时,读了这段文字,会使读者沉浸在对童年往事的美好回忆里,借此打动评审委员的心。 另外一篇修改过的文章开头用诗一般的语言写道(有删节): ...I first read this paragraph from Madame Curie as a 14-year-old child, and I still remember how wonderful I felt.Iremember thinking,“What esteemed men they were!How hardthey worked!” As I grew older,this paragraph became a sourceof encouragement in the face of adversity。I begin to feel amagical blue light twinkling in my heart,kindling a love ofscience,and encouraging me to charge bravely into theunknown world. 结尾呼应了开头,阐述了作者为什么要去美国读书: I never forgot my adolescent idol,Maria Curie。As I re-readthe book,another passage leaped out:“She was now 24-anage when some of her great contemporaries were to be on the brink of major discoveries...Maria took the train from Warsaw toParis,the intellectual Mecca。” For me,the intellectual Mecca is the United States...I hopeto continue my study and research,as detailed below.Oneday,I hope to find the pure esthetics of biology and reach itsluminous summits. 我们可以想象地到,评审委员在读了这位女士的申请文章以后,脑海里肯定能栩栩如生地浮现出一个好学上进、充满远大抱负的未来女科学家的形象,怎么会不拍案叫绝,全力帮助这个女士登上前往学术圣地美丽坚的飞机,成为第二个居里夫人呢? 以上就是智课小编对GRE奖学金申请范文的整理介绍,希望对同学们的gre考试有所帮助。同学们在gre备考时多积累练习,才可以在gre考试中运用的得心应手。智课小编预祝同学们在gre考试


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