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2018年度上半年全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试英语3级笔译综合能力真题 (总分:100.00,做题时间:120分钟) 一、Section 1 Vocabulary and Grammar(总题数:0,分数:0.00) 二、Part 1 Vocabulary Selection(总题数:20,分数:20.00) 1.A man who ________ after his heart stopped described experience to other people.(分数:1.00) ?A.removed ?B.recovered?√ ?C.revived ?D.relived 解析: (1) 句子结构。 本句的结构为主动宾(SVO),主语是A man,谓语为described, his experience为直接 宾语, to other people 为间接宾语; who_______ after his heart stopped 为 a man 的定语, 该分句的谓语动词为recovered。 (2)选项词义。 A. remove v.去掉;废除;取消;远离 B. recover v.恢复健康(体力:能力等?) ; 康复;痊愈 C. revive v.使复活,使恢复;使振奋,复原 D. relive v.(在想象中)重新过……的生活,再经历 本句大意为“心脏停止跳动后又康复过来的那个男子向其他人讲述了他的经历”, recovered符合句意。 [知识拓展] (1) 语法拓展。 主语带有定语从句时,注意辨析主句的主谓结构。 e.g. The boy who is in red is a friend of mine. 穿红衣服的那个男孩是我的一个朋友。 在该例子中,主句的主干为The boy is a friend of mine,而 who is in red是the boy的定语。 (2)词汇拓展: recover 与 revive。 ①recover v. to get well again after being ill/sick, hurt, etc. e.g. A policeman was recovering in hospital last night after being stabbed. 一名警员昨夜被刺伤之后入院进行康复治疗。 ②revive v. to become, or to make sb./sth. become, conscious or healthy and strong again e.g. Economists argued that freer markets would quickly revive the regions economy. 经济学家认为更加自由的市场将使这个地区的经济迅速复苏。 2.When working in a team, I often find myself spending so much time getting others to do their work that our ________ is less satisfactory than if I had done it myself.(分数:1.00) ?A.outcome ?B.output?√ ?C.outflow ?D.outset 解析: (1) 句子结构。 本句的结构 : I (主语) often find (谓语) myself (宾语) spending so much time getting?others to do their work that our is less satisfactory tiian if I had done it myself (宾补, 其中so ... that...为结果状语从句)。 (2)选项词义。 A. outcome n.结果;后果 B. output n.?( 人、机器、机构的)产量,输出量 C. outflow n.流出;流出量;流出物 D. outset n.开始,起始 本句大意为“我经常发现,在团队工作中需要花大量时间督促其他人完成自己分内的工作,因此团队的工作效率不如我独自工作的效率高”。因此,只有output符合句意。 3.Translation is both a cognitive procedure which occurs in the translators head and a social, cross-linguistic and cross-cultural________.(分数:1.00) ?A.practice?√ ?B.research ?C.discipline ?D.beha


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