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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 人教版 英语 七年级上册 Section B 1a-1e Unit 6 Do you like bananas? Learning goals 1. Curriculum words: egg, chicken, rice, carrot, breakfast, lunch 4. Sentences: —Do you like carrots? —Yes, I do. I like all vegetables. I don’t like vegetables. How/What about salad? 2. Useful expressions: have breakfast, for lunch 3. Functions: 能够谈论对食物的喜好 Warming up Revision Look at the pictures and write the words. tomato hamburger orange salad ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ banana bread milk ____________ ____________ apple Warming up Revision Look at the pictures and write the words. ice-cream strawberry vegetable pear ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ fruit Warming up carrot/?k?r?t/ n.胡萝卜 egg /eɡ/ n.蛋;鸡蛋 chicken/?t??k?n/ n.鸡肉 rice /ra?s/ n.大米; 米饭 Pre-listening Look at these pictures. What food can you see? Pre-listening People eat three meals a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner. You have breakfast in the morning, lunch in the afternoon and dinner in the evening. 1. orange 3. eggs 5. ice-cream 7. banana 9. rice 2. salad 4. apple 6. hamburger 8. chicken 10. carrots Pre-listening 1a Write the number of each word next to the correct food. 3 4 7 10 6 1 2 9 8 5 Pre-listening Do you like the breakfast, lunch and dinner? What do you have for breakfast, lunch and dinner? I have… for breakfast/ lunch/dinner. Pre-listening 教师在黑板上分两栏写fruit和vegetables,将全班分为两组,把这两个类别词fruit和vegetables分别指定给这两组学生,请每组学生轮流上台,在每个栏目下依次写出一个单词,3分钟内写出单词最多的组获胜。 Let’s play fruit vegetables Pre-listening 1b How many other words can you add to the lists? fruit:______________________________________________________________________________________ vegetables: ___________________________________ _____________________________________________ pear, carrot, onion, pepper, mushroom, lettuce tomato, pineapple, orange, watermelon, apple, strawberry



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